Hermann Schaller

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Hermann Schaller (born December 20, 1932 in Ungerdorf , Styria ) is a former Styrian politician ( ÖVP ) and was regional councilor under governor Josef Krainer junior from 1987 to 1991 .


Hermann Schaller was born in Ungerdorf in 1932 as one of seven children in a Styrian farming family. After graduating from high school in Knittelfeld in 1951, he studied at the theological faculty of the University of Graz for two years, but switched to the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna in 1953 , where he studied agriculture and graduated in 1957. From 1957 to 1959 he was a management consultant in agriculture, from 1959 to 1964 diocesan leader of the Catholic Youth , then Secretary General of Catholic Action . In 1964 he became state school inspector for agricultural schools in Styria, and subsequently head of the agricultural school department, a position he held until 1987.

At the suggestion of Josef Krainer senior, Schaller entered the Styrian state parliament as a member of the ÖVP in 1965, where he represented his home district of Weiz in Eastern Styria for 22 years. In 1987 he became a member of the state government , as a state councilor he was responsible for the departments of agriculture and forestry, housing, environmental and spatial planning. During his time as a politician, he campaigned in particular for the renewal of spatial planning and nature conservation laws as well as changes in the area of ​​residential construction. In 1991, Schaller withdrew from politics.

Schaller was socially engaged all his life. He and his wife Ilse supported Solidarnosc in Poland from an early age when he made contact with the most important personalities of the Polish resistance during the communist rule in Poland and began his “agricultural machinery campaign”. This transported used and overhauled agricultural machinery donated by Styrian farmers to Poland, a total of almost 300 wagons loaded with relief supplies for Polish agriculture.

In 1985 he founded the non-profit association Solidarity with Latin America, which finances social projects in Latin America. After his retirement in 1991 he was chairman of the Diocesan Commission for the Universal Church and Development Promotion and the World House Graz from 1994 to 2006, and chairman of the Austrian Development Service (ÖED) from 1994 to 2000.

Schaller lives in Graz , has three children and five grandchildren.



  1. Stenographic report - 1st session of the Styrian Landtag. In: Provincial Archives Styria. April 7, 1965, accessed on September 24, 2018 (German).
  2. Karl Peter Elis: white-green culture fields . LIT Verlag Münster, 2004, ISBN 978-3-8258-7959-4 ( google.com [accessed September 27, 2018]).
  3. Nature conservation in Styria. In: Are ecology and landscape planning neglected in the new Styrian spatial planning law? Styrian nature conservation letter, February 1, 1974, accessed on September 24, 2018 (German).
  4. Styrian of the day: Solidarity is his credo . In: www.kleinezeitung.at . ( kleinezeitung.at [accessed on September 27, 2018]).
  5. a b Communication - State of Styria, Brigitte Rosenberger: Press release: "Styrian solidarity for Poland's way to Europe" . In: www.kommunikation.steiermark.at . ( steiermark.at [accessed on September 27, 2018]).
  6. Solidarity with Latin America. Retrieved September 27, 2018 (German).
  7. www.europa.steiermark.at Europa - Land Steiermark, Johannes Steinbach: LH Voves: Development cooperation as an opportunity for justice and social balance . In: www.europa.steiermark.at . ( steiermark.at [accessed on September 27, 2018]).
  8. ^ Hermann Schaller new chairman of the ÖED. Retrieved September 27, 2018 .
  9. Communication - State of Styria, Alexandra Reischl: Large gold medal awarded . In: www.kommunikation.steiermark.at . ( steiermark.at [accessed on September 27, 2018]).