State school inspector

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Landesschulinspektor is a functional designation and a professional title for an experienced pedagogue who is responsible for supervising schools in an Austrian federal state in the Landesschulrat (federal agency) . There were state school inspectors from 1866 to 2018.


In Austria (see education system in Austria ), school supervision was in the hands of the Roman Catholic Church until 1849. After the revolution, the system was renewed following the example of the grammar school reform in 1849 .

Emperor Franz Joseph I first appointed school councilors from the educated middle class, such as the poet Adalbert Stifter or the musicologist Ludwig von Köchel . After the defeat in the battle of Königgrätz against Prussia (1866) the school system was reorganized and the function of the state school inspector was introduced. The state school inspectors, who are appointed by the Kaiser at the suggestion of the Minister for Cultus and Education, take the place of the previous kk school councils. Men are to be appointed as such who have tried themselves in the public teaching position either in the scientific or in the didactic-pedagogical field. When appointing these, appropriate consideration must be given to the representation of the double knowledge group of the middle schools (the humanistic and the realistic), as well as the representation of the different languages ​​of instruction in the elementary and middle schools.

With the introduction of the education directorates and the associated quality management in 2018, the function of the state school inspector has expired. The Association of Austrian State School Inspectors (VÖLSI) represents the interests of the state school inspectors.

List of selected state school inspectors

The following list contains some Austrian state school inspectors, listed alphabetically and marked with the federal state.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. State School Inspector - Salzburgwiki. Retrieved September 19, 2019 .
  2. Law of March 28, 1869, Section 2 , in the Reichsgesetzblatt für das Kaiserthum Österreich
  3. Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research: Reorganization of the authorities / Education Directorate. Retrieved September 19, 2019 .
  4. Compass-Verlag GmbH: Association of Austrian State School Inspectors (VÖLSI) in 1010 Vienna. Retrieved September 19, 2019 .