State school board

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The Landesschulrat ( LSR ) was a school authority in Austria that was responsible for one federal state . The school authority for Vienna was called the City School Council for Vienna  (SSR) since 1922 . As of 2019, the state school councils and the city school council for Vienna in Austria were replaced by education directorates .

There is a regional school board in South Tyrol at the level of the autonomous province, but there as a purely advisory body (see here ).

The provincial school boards existed in Austria-Hungary for the crown lands since 1868.


AustriaAustria  Provincial School Board
Former Austrian authority
State level Federation / states
Position of the authority Subordinate Authority
At sight Ministry of Education (currently: BMB)
founding 1868 ( City School Council for Vienna : 1922)
Dissolved 2018
Authority management Governor (President)

According to Art. 81a of the Federal Constitutional Act, the state school councils were federal bodies under the authority of the federal minister responsible for education , but due to their structure, because they were mainly responsible for the elementary and secondary schools run by the states and municipalities themselves, were under a lot of pressure Influence of the federal states.

The president of the state school board was the governor , who was supported in all federal states by an incumbent president.

In addition to the president, the so-called “college” of an Austrian provincial school council included members with voting rights who were proposed by the parties represented in the provincial parliament in proportion to their voting strength. According to the Federal School Supervision Act, parents of school-going children and teachers had to be among them.

The members of the college of the state school council included church representatives, the state school doctor and representatives of the chambers in an advisory capacity. The composition, tasks and position of the state school board were set out in Art. 81a and Art. 81b of the B-VG and in the Federal School Supervision Act. Although the state school board was a federal authority, it was also involved in the administration of compulsory schools, which were state or local institutions. Among other things, the state school boards were responsible for selecting teachers and exercising school supervision . For the administration of the compulsory schools there were also district school boards at the level of the administrative districts .

In November 2015 it became known that educational directorates should be set up in all Austrian federal states , which should replace the previous state school councils and school departments of the state government. In February 2018, Federal Minister Heinz Fassmann appointed Johann Heuras Director of Education of Lower Austria and thus Austria's first Director of Education.


South-TirolSouth-Tirol State school boardp1
State level Province : Bolzano
position Advisory body
Supervisory body (s) South Tyrolean Provincial Government - Education Authority
Headquarters Bozen , Amba-Alagi-Strasse 10
Chairperson Philipp Achammer (German), Christian Tommasini (it.), Florian Mussner (lad.)

In South Tyrol (Republic of Italy) there is also a regional school board. This state school board is not an authority, but an advisory body for the school authorities and the South Tyrolean provincial government on issues relating to kindergartens and primary and secondary schools . The Supreme School Council in Rome is the main advisory body of the Ministry of Education for all-Italian issues .

The South Tyrolean school board has three departments (German, Italian and Ladin) and three chairpersons, currently Philipp Achammer, Giuliano Vettorato and Daniel Alfreider.

Web links

Wiktionary: Landesschulrat  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Art. 81a B-VG (as amended online, ris.bka ).
  2. Section 8 of the Federal School Supervision Act , Federal Legal Information System, accessed on January 19, 2011.
  3. ^ Nine education directorates for Austria . In: Wiener Zeitung online, November 17, 2015, accessed on November 17, 2015.
  4. New director of education demands sensitivity . Article dated February 15, 2018, accessed March 14, 2018.
  5. Members of the state school board for the four-year period 2016/2017 - 2019/2020. (accessed October 9, 2019).