Hermann Schmidt (composer)

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Hermann Schmidt (born March 5, 1810 in Berlin ; † October 19, 1845 there ) was a royal Prussian court composer , ballet conductor and flautist . His music is hardly known today.


Schmidt was born the son of a Prussian field and travel postmaster of the king. He received flute lessons from Johann Wilhelm Gabrielski (1791–1846) and studied composition with Karl Böhmer. As a 14-year-old he already appeared in concerts as a flautist. On February 1, 1831, he was appointed royal chamber musician as a flautist and accepted into the royal chapel. In 1835 he became the music teacher of Princess Marianne of Prussia . Schmidt composed numerous ballet music for the Berlin court opera . There he wrote music primarily for the choreographies of François Michel Hoguet (1793–1871) and Paul Taglioni (1808–1884). His compositions, mainly ballets, met with general approval, so that he was awarded the title of court composer in 1837 and was appointed ballet conductor in 1838.

In addition to 23 ballets, he wrote a large number of entr'acts and several small singspiels ( The fatal omelette , An hour in the bath, etc.).

Works (selection)

  • 1836 An hour in the bath (comical operas)
  • 1852 The Double Escape (comic operas)
  • 72 music between acts for orchestra
  • 3 symphonies for orchestra
  • 3 string quartets
  • 1 string quintet
  • Concerts, duos and trios for flute
  • Songs and chants for one and more voices
  • 23 ballets (see list)

Ballets (selection)

  • 1835 The Swiss soldier or The soldier for love (military ballet in 1 act, choreography: François Michel Hoguet ), Berlin [approx. 1835]
  • 1836 The Marquis von Carabas or Puss in Boots (Ch: FM Hoguet), Berlin 1836
  • 1835 Cupid's Triumph (Anacreontisches Divertissement, Ch: Paul Taglioni ), premiere: Berlin, January 7, 1835
  • 1836 The mother's name day or The cheated Alkade (Ch: FM Hoguet), Berlin 1836
  • 1836 The poor fisherman (divertissement in 1 act, Ch: Paul Taglioni), premiere: Berlin, March 28, 1835
  • 1836 Das Rosenmädchen / La fille de roses (Divertissement, Ch: Paul Taglioni), premiere: Berlin, February 11, 1836
  • 1836 Undine, the water nymph (ballet in 3 acts, Ch: Paul Taglioni), premiere: Berlin, October 24, 1836
  • 1837 Arsène (ballet in 1 act based on the ballet “Die neue Amazone” by Filippo Taglioni, Ch: Paul Taglioni), premiered: Berlin, September 30, 1837
  • 1837 Robinson (Ch: FM Hoguet), Berlin
  • 1838 Die Feen (Ch: FM Hoguet), Berlin
  • 1838 The Jubilee (military painting in 1 act; Ch: FM Hoguet), Berlin
  • 1840 Liebeshändel (Ch: Paul Taglioni), premiere: Berlin, January 2, 1840
  • 1841 Robert and Bertrand (pantomime ballet in 2 acts; (Ch: FM Hoguet)), Berlin
  • 1842 Die Danaïden (Large pantomime ballet in 2 acts; (Ch: FM Hoguet)), Berlin
  • 1845 The Guardian Spirit (Ch: Paul Taglioni), premiere: Berlin, April 19, 1845
  • 1852 Der Schweizersoldat (military ballet in 1 act; (Ch: FM Hoguet)), text book: Königsberg 1852


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