Hermann Ulrici

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Hermann Ulrici (contemporary wood engraving)

Hermann Ulrici (born March 23, 1806 in Pförten , Niederlausitz , † January 11, 1884 in Halle / Saale ) was a German philosopher and Shakespeare researcher.


Ulrici attended elementary school in Leipzig and the Friedrichwerder grammar school in Berlin. At the request of his father, he studied law in Halle from 1824 . There he became a member of the Corps Saxonia in 1823 . He switched to the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin , where he took the first exam. He was an auscultator and trainee lawyer in his native Frankfurt (Oder) .

He turned to philology and found the approval of Wilhelm von Humboldt with his work in Berlin . After habilitation he received in 1834 a professorship in Halle, because of its now against Hegel oriented philosophy but only in 1861 a professorship . In 1867/68 he was rector of the University of Halle. On the last day of his Dean's office at the Philosophical Faculty, he died of a stroke at the age of 78 .


  • Characteristic of ancient historiography . (Berlin 1833).
  • History of the history of Hellenic poetry . (2 vols., Berlin 1835).
  • On Shakspeare's Dramatic Art (1839)
  • About the principle and method of the Hegelian philosophy. A contribution to the criticism of the same . (Halle 1841; reprographic reprint: Hildesheim 1997, ISBN 3-8067-0667-0 ).
  • The basic principle of philosophy developed critically and speculatively . (2 vols., Leipzig 1845-1846).
  • System of logic . (Leipzig 1852).
  • Compendium of Logic . (Leipzig 1860; 2nd edition 1872).
  • Belief and knowledge . (Leipzig 1858).
  • God and nature . (Leipzig 1862; 3rd edition 1875).
  • God and man . (2 vols., Leipzig 1866–1873; 2nd edition 1874).


  • Ludwig Julius Fränkel:  Ulrici, Hermann . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 39, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1895, pp. 261-269.
  • P. vd Elst: Hermann Ulrici . Baarn 1921.
  • E. Melzer: Epistemological discussions on the systems of Ulrici and Günther . Neisse 1886.
  • Volker Peckhaus et al. (Ed.): Hermann Ulrici: (1806–1884); the Halle philosopher and the English algebra of logic; with a selection of Ulrici's texts on logic and a bibliography of his writings. Hall 1995.
  • Günter Scholtz: Metaphysics and Politics in Late Idealism . In: Walter Jaeschke (ed.) Philosophy and literature in the Vormärz: The dispute over romanticism (1820-1854) . Hamburg 1995, pp. 235-268.
  • JE Schweicker: Ulrici's doctrine of God . Diss., Würzburg 1905.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 56 , 117