Hermann Weiß (costume expert)

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Carl Jacob Hermann Weiß (born April 2, 1822 in Hamburg , † April 21, 1897 in Berlin ) was a German painter, copper engraver and costume expert .

Weiß, younger brothers of the painter and illustrator Ferdinand Weiß , studied in Berlin with Johann Samuel Otto and at the Academy of Arts , from 1843 in Düsseldorf with Theodor Hildebrandt . From 1845 he worked in Berlin, where he was represented in the Academy exhibition with genre and history pictures in 1842 and 1850 . From 1854 to 1884 he was a teacher of costume studies at the Academy of Arts, and from 1856 as a professor. From 1858 to 1878 he was assistant director at the Kupferstichkabinett and from 1879 technical director of the armory . In 1883 he was appointed a secret councilor.

He is significant with his work on costume studies , which he helped to establish as a scientific discipline.


  • History of the costume. Volume 1: Africa. Dümmler, Berlin 1853.
  • Costume studies. Handbook of the history of costume, construction and from the earliest times to the present. 3 parts in 6 departments. Ebner & Seubert, Stuttgart 1860–1872.
    • 1.1 The peoples of the east. 1860, digitized , digitized
    • 1.2 The peoples of Europe. 1860, digitized
    • 2.1 Middle Ages from the 4th to the 14th century. Byzantium and the East. 1862, digitized
    • 2.2 Middle Ages from the 4th to the 14th century. The costume of the peoples of Europe. 1864, digitized
    • 3.1 The costume from the 14th to the 16th century. 1872, digitized
    • 3.2 The costume from the 16th century to the present day. 1872, digitized
    • 2nd edition, 2 volumes. 1881, 1883.
