Hermann von Frankenberg

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Frankenberg-Stein at the Eckertalsperre

Hermann von Frankenberg and Ludwigsdorf (born March 10, 1865 in Blankenburg (Harz) , † January 10, 1931 Köterberg ) was a German administrative lawyer and chairman of the Harz Club .


Frankenberg came from the ancient Silesian nobility . His parents were Hermann Karl Wilhelm Friedrich von Frankenberg and Ludwigsdorf (* March 30, 1822; † August 1, 1894) and his wife Marie Ernst (* August 8, 1836; † October 19, 1898).


He attended grammar school in Blankenburg, where he passed the Abitur in 1882, studied law in Leipzig , Heidelberg and Berlin and completed the legal traineeship in 1885 and the assessor examination in 1889. In 1889 he became an assessor at the district directorate in Blankenburg, in 1890 a temporary salaried unskilled worker, in 1893 a permanent member of the magistrate, most recently as a city councilor for the city of Braunschweig , where he took on the urban poor. In 1923 he retired.

He was particularly committed to the Harz Club, where he initially took over the business of the vice chairman in 1918. From 1920 to 1931 Frankenberg was the main chairman and successfully endeavored to promote tourism in the region. Frankenberg also publishes poems and short stories about the Harz Mountains, which he summarized in several volumes. When he died of a heart attack, his ashes were buried in the Eckertal , where the "Frankenberg stone" above today's Eckertalsperre reminds of him.


He married Charlotte Mathilde Auguste Luise Sommer (born March 23, 1869) in 1892 . The couple had four children.


  • The constitutional and administrative law of the Duchy of Braunschweig. Hanover 1909.
  • From life. 1909.
  • Harz secrets. 1923.
  • Bergheil. 1924.
  • Editing of Eduards Gaebler's Großer Führer vom Harz. Leipzig 1929.


  • Brandes: Hermann von Frankenberg in memory. In: The Harz. 2/1931, p. 25.
  • The last mountain salvation. The consecration of the memorial stone for Hermann von Frankenberg in the Eckertal. In: The Harz. 6/1931, pp. 97-99.
  • Horst-Rüdiger Jarck, Günter Scheel (Ed.): Braunschweigisches Biographisches Lexikon. 19th and 20th centuries. Hanover 1996, p. 184.
  • Eckhard Hansen, Florian Tennstedt (Eds.) U. a .: Biographical lexicon on the history of German social policy from 1871 to 1945 . Volume 1: Social politicians in the German Empire 1871 to 1918. Kassel University Press, Kassel 2010, ISBN 978-3-86219-038-6 , p. 50 f. ( Online , PDF; 2.2 MB).
  • Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of noble houses 1904. Fifth year, p.272