Hermine Küchenmeister-Rudersdorf

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Hermione Rudersdorf

Hermione chef-Rudersdorf , born Hermione Rudersdorf , even rowing Dorff (November 30 . Jul / 12. December  1822 greg. In Ivanowsky , Russian Empire - 25. February 1882 in Boston , USA ) was a German singer and singing teacher .


Hermine Rudersdorf was the daughter of the violin virtuoso Johann Rudersdorf, who worked in Austria, Russia, Germany and Great Britain. After her family returned to Germany, she took singing lessons with Marianne Sessi in Hamburg and later in Paris with Barthe Benderali and Giovanni Marco Bordogni . She made her debut successfully in England. The study of foreign languages, which is obligatory for an opera singer, aroused scientific ambitions in her, however, at times she even considered studying at the University of Jena. Her parents found it difficult to convince her not to waste her great singing talent and to embark on a musical career. She finally completed her vocal training with Alexandre Micheroux in Milan.

From Milan she came to Germany in 1841, where she first gave concerts in various larger cities. In November 1841 she began her operatic career as Elvira in I puritani by Vincenzo Bellini at the Karlsruhe Court Theater. From 1842 to 1844 she sang with great success in Frankfurt am Main. When she married the mathematician and respected teacher Küchenmeister there in 1844, she wanted to retire from the stage. Again she had to be persuaded by her parents to pursue her career further. From 1844 to 1846 she appeared in Mannheim, from 1846 to 1848 in Breslau, from 1848 to 1850 at the court theater in Dresden. In the period that followed, he made major guest appearances and was a member of the Friedrich-Wilhelmstädtische Theater in Berlin from 1851 to 1854.

After that she at least retired from the big opera stage and appeared exclusively as a concert singer - mostly in England and Scotland - where she continued to enjoy great success. In 1878 she moved to the United States and settled in New York as a singing teacher. She died in Boston in 1882.


  • Kitchen master (Hermine) b. Rudersdorff. In: Carl Heinrich Herzel: Schlesisches Tonkünstler-Lexikon. 4 volumes, Trewendt, Breslau 1846/1847, p. 273 ff.
  • Ludwig Eisenberg : Large biographical lexicon of the German stage in the XIX. Century . Paul List , Leipzig 1903, p. 557.