Hildebrecht Braun

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Hildebrecht Braun (born June 23, 1944 in Neuendettelsau ) is a German politician of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) and a former member of the German Bundestag .


During his school years he attended the Johann Sebastian Bach-Gymnasium in Windsbach and during this time was an exchange student in Dayton in the US state of Ohio . After finishing school, he studied law at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich from 1965 to 1970 . There he passed his second state law examination in 1975. He has been admitted to the bar in the Bavarian capital since 1976. From 1976 to 1981 he worked for a Munich insurance company, where he was a deputy board member for five years.


In 1964 Hildebrecht Braun became a member of the FDP Bavaria . From 1969 to 1990 he was a member of the board of directors of the FDP Munich and from 1971 to 1972 the parliamentary group leader of his party in the Bavarian state parliament. Since 1991 he has also been a member of the Bavarian State Executive Committee and since 1991 a member of the Federal Housing and Urban Development Committee. In 1996 he was elected chairman of the Augsburg district association. He heads the FDP regional committee for foreign, European and security policy.

At the local political level, he was a member of the district assembly of Upper Bavaria from 1970 to 1974 and of the city ​​council of Munich from 1988 to 1994 .

Of 10 November 1994 to 17 October 2002, he was for two legislatures of the Member German Parliament . He was elected from the state list of the FDP in Bavaria in the Augsburg-Stadt constituency. In the Bundestag he was the housing policy speaker for his parliamentary group in the 13th electoral term from 1994 to 1998. From 1998 onwards, he was chairman of the commission for the protection of children's interests within parliament.

During his time as a member of the Bundestag, he also drew attention to himself with rabble. In a debate about phasing out nuclear power in December 2001, for example, he insulted the then Environment Minister Jürgen Trittin as " Bin Laden ". He was then reprimanded by the Bundestag Vice President Antje Vollmer , because she saw the comparison with a “wanted criminal” as a violation of Trittin's personal rights.

On November 29, 2008, he was defeated at the FDP state party conference of the Munich FDP city councilor Nadja Hirsch in a runoff election with 187 to 140 votes for a place on the list for the European elections . He himself was able to win second place in another runoff election.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Spiegel Online , December 14, 2001 (accessed February 10, 2009)
  2. ^ FDP-München Nord (accessed on February 10, 2009)