Hiltegund from Münchaurach

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Hiltegund von Münchaurach (also Hildegundis), who is said to have lived in the 12th century (time of Conrad III. , 1138–1152), is venerated as a local saint in and around Münchaurach in Middle Franconia . She is said to have died on October 14th.

The historical existence of Hiltegund, allegedly the adoptive daughter of Count Goswin von Höchstadt and sister of the Count Palatine near Rhein Hermann von Stahleck , cannot be proven. The cult started from the Benedictine monastery in Münchaurach. According to the Latin legend that originated in him and is handed down in a copy by Hartmann Schedel from the late 15th century, she was supposed to be forced to marry a man by her father, although she wanted to remain a virgin . She died on the day of the wedding, and her shocked father then donated the monastery.

Around 1500 Ladislaus Sunthaym published a German-language text Historia sanctae Hildegundis from Münchaurach , which obviously contains image tituli (possibly from a mural) depicting the life of the saints.

In recent years, a ceremony in honor of Hiltegund has been held in Höchstadt . In 2004, the then Bavarian Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs, Monika Hohlmeier , spoke about the legend by trying to grasp the Hiltegund's life in terms of freedom - faith - responsibility .

Harry Bresslau presented a one-sided criticism of the legend printed by Andreas Felix Oefele in the yearbooks of the German Empire under Konrad II in 1879 (vol. 1, pp. 469-470). Haupt had previously referred to the legend in his work on Duke Ernst .

supporting documents

  1. Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina (BHL), No. 3941
  2. The text of the speech was available at www.km.bayern.de/km/asps/archiv/11_11_hildegund_fest.pdf (also not available in the Internet Archive )
  3. ZfdA 7, 1849, pp. 302f.


  • Gerhard Pfeiffer: The foundation of the Münchaurach monastery. In: Würzburger Diözesan-Geschichtsblätter 26 (1964), pp. 18–41 ( online )
  • Christa Schmitt: Hildegund von Münchaurach. The "white rose of the Aisch and Aurachgrund" . In: Weisendorfer Bote / Working Group for History and Customs Care Markt Weisendorf e. V., Erlangen 1999 (1998), pp. 145–183 (not viewed)
  • Simone Erdle: The people saint Hiltegund von Münchaurach . Written term paper Würzburg 1999 (quoted from: Heiderose Engelhardt: Former monastery church St. Peter and Paul in Münchaurach, Munich / Berlin no year)

Web links

Commons : Facsimile von Breßlau 1879, pp. 468–471  - album with pictures, videos and audio files