Raspberry red dog tail

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Raspberry red dog tail
Mutinus ravenelii.jpg

Raspberry dog ​​tail ( Mutinus ravenelii )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Phallomycetidae
Order : Stinkhorns (Phallales)
Family : Stinkhorn relatives (Phallaceae)
Genre : Dog's tail ( Mutinus )
Type : Raspberry red dog tail
Scientific name
Mutinus ravenelii
E. Fish.

The mutinus ravenelii ( Mutinus ravenelii ) is a mushroom art from the kind of mutinus ( Mutinus ).


When ripe, the fruiting bodies of the raspberry red dog's rod are 5–8 cm high and up to about 1 cm thick. They arise from a white, elongated egg-shaped 1–1.5 cm wide witch 's egg . The receptacle is colored ocher yellow to raspberry red, especially under the gleba at the tip. The gleba is olive green and slimy. In contrast to the common dog's rod, the raspberry-red dog's rod exudes an intense carrion-like odor.


The raspberry-red dog's tail is a saprobiontic ground dweller; in Central Europe it rarely occurs in parks and gardens under deciduous and coniferous trees. The fruiting bodies appear from June to August.


The raspberry-red dog's tail is a species native to North America that is introduced to settlement areas in Central Europe. It is assumed that the species is spreading further in the course of global warming, which is why the German Society for Mycology has included it in a list of fungal species whose occurrence should be monitored more closely.


The raspberry red dog's rod is out of the question as an edible mushroom.


  • E. Gerhardt: The great FSVO mushroom guide for on the go. Munich 2001, ISBN 3-405-15147-3
  • R. Krettek: Call for the mapping of further selected mushrooms. In: Journal of Mycology. Volume 74/1, 2008, pp. 85-98

Web links

Commons : Raspberry Red Dog's Tail ( Mutinus ravenelii )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files