Execution of the 20 Huntschakists

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Execution of the 20 Huntschakists in Istanbul

In the execution of 20 Huntscha boxes ( Armenian Քսան կախաղան K'san Kakhaghan ), including 20 martyrs or the 20 , 20 mostly young activists of the Social Democratic Hunchak Party in the course of the Armenian genocide on 15 June 1915 at the district Sultanbayezid in Ottoman capital Constantinople executed by hanging .


During the 7th General Congress of the Social Democratic Huntschak Party in 1913 in the port city of Constanța , Romania , the liquidation of the Young Turks was planned. The Congress adjourned on two main principles:

  • As stated in the original program, the party was to be moved from legal to illegal activities, turning it more and more into a covert organization.

These plans were betrayed to the Ottoman leadership by an Armenian government representative. Therefore, when the delegates arrived in Istanbul, they were arrested. Over a hundred Huntschak Committee leaders were arrested towards the end of the year.

After two years of imprisonment and lengthy trials, 20 celebrities were sentenced to death by hanging. A few weeks after the mass arrest of Armenian intellectuals began on April 24, 1915, they were hanged in the central square of Istanbul, Beyazıt Square (Beyazıt meydanı). Paramaz's last words before his execution were, “You can only hang our bodies, but not our ideology. (...) Tomorrow you will see a socialist Armenia on the eastern horizon. "

List of the Hunchakists hanged

The 20 Huntschakists during the execution
  1. Paramaz - Բարամազ
  2. Dr. Benne (Bedros Torosian) - Տքթ. Պէննէ (Պետոս Թորոսեան), ( Kharpert )
  3. Aram Achekbashian - Արամ Աչըգպաշեան - (Krikor Garabedian, Arabkir )
  4. Kegham Vanigian - Գեղամ Վանիկեան, ( Van ), one of the editors of the youth magazine Gaidz
  5. Mourad Zakarian - Մուրատ Զաքարեան, ( Moush )
  6. Yervant Topuzian - Երուանդ Թօփուզեան
  7. Hagop Basmajian - Յակոբ Պասմաճեան
  8. Smpat Kelejian - Սըմբատ Գըլըճեան
  9. Roupen Garabedian - Ռուբէն Կարապետեան
  10. Armenag Hampartsoumian - Արմենակ Համբարձումեան
  11. Apraham Mouradian - Աբրահամ Մուրատեան
  12. Hrand Yegavian - Հրանդ Եկաւեան
  13. Karnig Boyajian - Գառնիկ Պօյաճեան
  14. Hovhannes D. Ghazarian - Յովհաննէս Տ. Ղազարեան
  15. Mgrdich Yeretsian - Մկրտիչ Երէցեան
  16. Yeremia Manoukian - Երեմիա Մանուկեան
  17. Tovmas Tovmasian - Թովմաս Թովմասեան
  18. Karekin Boghosian - Գարեգին Պօղոսեան
  19. Minas Keshishian - Մինաս Քէշիշեան
  20. Boghos Boghosian - Պողոս Պողոսեան

Two other prominent Huntschak activists, Stepan Sapah-Gulian and Varaztahd, were sentenced to death in absentia .


In 2001, a memorial for the 20 executed people was inaugurated in the city of Meghri in Armenia .

On June 13, 2013, a panel discussion with Turkish intellectuals on the execution of the 20 Huntschakists took place in Istanbul with the participation of human rights organizations .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Toros Sarian: THE ARMENIAN PARTIES AND THE YOUNG TURKISH COMMITTEE ON UNITY AND PROGRESS: BETWEEN MISTRUST AND COOPERATION. (web) In: HayastanInfo.net. armenieninfo.net, June 6, 2010, archived from the original on February 19, 2013 ; Retrieved June 21, 2013 .
  2. "Tchahakir" Armenian weekly, no. 1523 of 17 June 2004, Cairo, p.1.
  3. The Twenty Hunchakian Gallows .
  4. Dergi → Sayı 67-68-69 → İstanbul'da Ermeni Faaliyetleri ve Alınan Tedbirler (1914-1918) ( Memento from July 3, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  5. "Tchahakir" Armenian weekly, no. 1594 of 21 June 2007, Cairo, p.3.
  6. a b c S.DHP: Matteos Sarkissian. In: SDHP Australian Leadership. hunchak.org, January 1, 2005, accessed June 21, 2013 .
  7. Teotik ([Theo Toros Laptschindschian]): Գողգոթա հայ հոգեւորականութեան [The Golgotha of the Armenian Clergy]. H. Mateossian, Istanbul 1921, p. 15.
  8. 98 Years Later The Martyrdom of “The Twenty” SD Hunchak Activists Commemorated In Istanbul. In: Massispost. June 13, 2013, accessed June 16, 2013 .