Hippolyte Berlier

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Marie-Jean-Baptiste-Hippolyte Berlier (born March 10, 1919 in Pélussin , † September 22, 1992 in Niamey ) was a Roman Catholic theologian and bishop of Niamey .

Hippolyte Berlier had seven siblings. In 1932 he entered the Redemptorist Order . During the Second World War he was a member of the Resistance in France . In 1946 he was ordained a priest and went to Niger . There he worked there in the 1950s, among other things, as school director. In 1961 Berlier became the first bishop of the newly founded Diocese of Niamey. As a council father, he took part in all four sessions of the Second Vatican Council . In 1984 he resigned the office of bishop and withdrew to live with the Tuareg from then on . His tomb is in front of Niamey Cathedral .


  • André Berthelot: Hippolyte Berlier (1919–1992), rédemptoriste: premier évêque du Niger en terre d'Islam . L'Harmattan, Paris 1997, ISBN 2-7384-4998-0 .

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