Cerebrocortical necrosis

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The polioencephalomalacia ( Cerebrocorticalnekrose , CCN, "Hirnrindennekrose") is an in ruminants occurring metabolic-toxic brain disease ( encephalopathy ) due to lack of thiamine (vitamin B1). It thus corresponds to the beriberi or Wernicke encephalopathy in humans, the Chastek paralysis in fur animals and the thiamine deficiency encephalopathy in cats .

Causes and origins

Cerebrocortical necrosis was first observed in 1956 and was initially referred to as polioencephalomalacia . The cause is a secondary thiamine deficiency, which is probably caused by a shift in the rumen flora as a result of high -carbohydrate and low- fiber diet. This leads to rumen acidosis and reduced thiamine formation by the rumen bacteria or by thiamine- producing bacteria to an increased breakdown of this vitamin. The thiamine deficiency leads to the death ( necrosis ) of nerve cells and edema , especially in the neocortex .

Pathological-anatomical weakening of the brain tissue can be seen, which light up cream-colored to blue-green under UV light. This autofluorescence is caused by lipid breakdown products.


Young animals in particular are affected. Cerebrocortical necrosis manifests itself in central nervous disorders such as jaw clamps , stretching spasms and nystagmus as well as increased salivation, drowsiness and finally lying with an overstretched neck , rowing movements and finally coma and death. In terms of differential diagnosis, rabies , BSE and ketosis in particular have to be considered.

Early forms can be cured by the timely administration of vitamin B1. If it is more pronounced, the prognosis is poor and, even if the disease is survived, further economic use no longer makes sense. Ruminant-friendly feeding is the best prevention.


  • N. Rossow: Vitamin B1 deficiency. In: N. Rossow (Hrsg.): Internal diseases of farm animals . Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena 1984, DNB 840667760 , pp. 88-90.
  • Angela Hafner-Marx: Outline of the special pathological anatomy of domestic animals . Georg Thieme, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-8304-1048-5 , p. 287.