Scholastica of Nursia

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Statue of saint Scholastica in the ore abbey of Montecassino
Holy Scholastica (1688) in St. Adolari, Tyrol

The holy Scholastica of Nursia (* around 480 in Nursia, today's Norcia in Umbria, † around 542 near Montecassino ) was the sister (possibly the twin sister) of St. Benedict of Nursia . It is in the Vita of St. Benedict mentioned in the second book of dialogues by Gregory the Great , there are no other historical evidence .


According to Gregory, Scholastica was consecrated to God from childhood. Traditionally she is considered to be the first Benedictine nun , but from this brief information from Gregory it is not possible to infer whether she actually lived in a monastic community or, as was customary at that time, alone as a consecrated virgin .

According to the Vita , Scholastica visited her brother annually; they met in a manor house in his monastery and spent the day together in prayer and spiritual conversation. At one of these meetings, Scholastica asked Benedict to stay with her until morning and continue the conversation, which he initially refused. In response to her pleading prayer, such a violent storm began that Benedict could not leave and had to stay the night so that the siblings could talk to each other until morning. Gregor comments on the episode with the words: "She was able to do more because she loved more."

Scholastica died three days later; Benedict saw her soul rise to heaven in the form of a dove. He had her body brought to his monastery and buried in the grave provided for himself.

The relics of St. Scholastica are located under the main altar of the Basilica of Montecassino . Along with her brother, she is the patroness of the Roman Church of San Benedetto della Ciambella .

Scholastica is represented in art in the habit of a Benedictine woman; her iconographic saint is the dove .

The uproar on Saint Scholastica Day in the British city of Oxford is named after Holy Scholastica .

Remembrance day


Web links

Commons : Scholastica of Nursia  - Collection of images, videos and audio files