Hofmark Pasing

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The Hofmark Pasing in today's Munich district Pasing has been mentioned in the documents with its own lower jurisdiction since the 16th century .

Fiefdoms of Hofmark Pasing were not only noble ducal-electoral officials, for example from the Schwarzenberg, Neuburger and Berchem families , but also Munich patricians .

Gatterburg Castle after the renovation in 2014

The over-indebted Berchem family sold the Hofmark property to King Max I Joseph's civil list in 1814 . The moated castle became the property of the Wittelsbach family . After it had passed to Prince Carl in 1817 , it was demolished and a country palace was built on the southern outskirts, which was expanded in 1869 to become today 's Gatterburg Palace .

With the new regional court division in 1802, Pasing came to the Munich regional court , the forerunner of today's Munich district . With the community edict and the elevation of Pasing to an independent community in 1818, the order as Hofmark ended.

The patrimonial including former Hofmarksbesitz and Schloss Gattersburg was 1834 Knights of Felix Hilz and 1840 to Baron Karl von Beck.
