High armored catfish

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High armored catfish
Order : Catfish (Siluriformes)
Subordination : Loricarioidei
Family : Armored and calloused catfish (Callichthyidae)
Subfamily : Armored catfish (Corydoradinae)
Genre : Corydoras
Type : High armored catfish
Scientific name
Corydoras britskii
( Nijssen & Isbrücker , 1983)

The high armored catfish ( Corydoras britskii , Syn .: Brochis britskii ) is a species of fish from the family of armored and callous catfish (Callichthyidae), which occurs in the river basin of the upper Río Paraguay , in the mountainous highlands of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso .


It can reach a maximum length of 9 to 10 cm. Compared to the very similar emerald armored catfish ( Corydoras splendens ), it has a shorter snout and larger eyes. Above the midline of the body, there are 26 bone plates in the tall emerald catfish (24 in Corydoras splendens ), below there are 23 (22 in Corydoras splendens ) and only one bone plate (one or two in Corydoras splendens ) separates the dorsal fin from the adipose fin .

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