Holgate Shoal

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Holgate Shoal
Geographical location
Holgate Shoal (South Georgia)
Holgate Shoal
Coordinates 53 ° 59 ′ 1 ″  S , 38 ° 17 ′ 1 ″  W Coordinates: 53 ° 59 ′ 1 ″  S , 38 ° 17 ′ 1 ″  W
Waters 1 South Atlantic

Holgate Shoal is an area of shallows in the Willis Islands group, part of the South Georgian archipelago . It is east of the Ramp Rocks and 2.5 km northwest of Main Island .

The UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee named the area in 1964 after Able Seaman Ralph Alan Holgate (* 1939), who first mapped it in 1961 from the ship HMS  Owen .

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