Horacio Butler

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Horacio Butler

Horacio Alberto Butler (born August 28, 1897 in Buenos Aires , † March 17, 1983 ibid) was an Argentine painter and writer .


After completing his school days and a short time at the Universidad de Buenos Aires , Butler went to Paris in the spring of 1922 . After he had been rejected at the École des Beaux-Arts , he was one of the first students of Othon Friesz and André Lhote at the Académie Scandinave from 1923 .

After five years, Butler returned to his homeland in 1928 and settled in his hometown. In the same year the artists' association Amigos del Arte invited him to participate in their exhibitions, a. a. the first Salón de pintura moderna to participate. The spectrum of artists ranged from Antonio Berni to Lino Enea Spilimbergo .

Between 1929 and 1933, the Société des Artistes Indépendants (Paris) repeatedly showed current works by Butler in its exhibitions at the Grand Palais .

In addition to his own artistic and literary work, Butler taught for a long time at the Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires.

Butler died on March 17, 1983 in Buenos Aires, where he found his final resting place.


  • 1973 Grand Prize of the Fondo Nacional de las Artes
  • 1981 Prize from Fundación Alejandro Shaw
  • 1982 Konex de Brillante

Works (selection)

Oil paintings

  • Orpheus . 1939.
  • Siesta . 1926.
  • La cesta de verduras . 1960.
  • La visita . 1973.
  • Desnudo . 1928.



  • Las personas y los años . Ed. Emecé, Buenos Aires 1973 (autobiographical stories)
  • La pintura y mi tiempo . Ed. Sudamericana, Buenos Aires 1966 (memoir)
  • Francisco. Novela . Ed. Emecé, Buenos Aires 1978.

Student (selection)

Web links

Individual representations

  1. List of the winners of the Konex Brillante, Honor and Mercosur .