Horst Walter (artist)

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Horst Walter (born June 14, 1936 in Berlin ; † May 15, 2012 there ) was a German freelance artist with a focus on painting as well as object and project art. It is also known as HOKW or MALA.


After training as a blacksmith and working in Germany, Spain , France and Russia , he shifted his artistic focus to painting in 1977.

At first he was mainly concerned with abstract studies of images and light. Influenced by Joseph Beuys , artistic creation expanded to include object and project art. In Berlin in the early 1980s he experimented with various materials in the style of action painting and symbolism. Here he worked in the artistic OFF scene and avant-garde in West Berlin . He developed and ran the "art newspaper" Kunstburg u. a. with Hans-Jörg Tauchert , de Fries Holland , Klaus Reuter . In 1985 Walter helped found the Kunstburg art project. In 1986 he founded the Kunstverein d'ART e. V.

In 1985 he moved the topic of his work to the topics of the Berlin Wall and reunification and became a wallpecker . In 1989 he took part in the occupation and the artistic design of the border watchtower opposite the Berlin Reichstag and the border crossing at Potsdamer Platz . As artistic director of the Voltaire exhibition in Potsdam , Walter organized a supporting program.


  • 1985: Making a mark: Performances Actions on the Berlin Wall
  • 1990: Culture project Potsdamer Platz: Cafe November 9 in the barracks of the border guards on Potsdamer Platz in Berlin
  • 1990: Potsdamer Platz: Project design of 118 wall segments; Use to preserve parts of the Berlin Wall
  • 1991: Artistic director of the Voltaire exhibition in Potsdam: z. B. Project OKTACON. Eight former border guards build masonry elements led by Horst Walter on Potsdamer Altenmarkt on
  • 1992: Exhibition at the Kunsthaus Tacheles
  • 1998: 1st prize of the international Mail-ART Kapos ART, Kaposvár; Mail Art. Hungary Budapest; Symposium. Barc Hungary
  • 2003: Wallpecker Museum opening. Initiated by the Kunstverein d'ART e. V.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Pathways of Disease