Hough glacier

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Hough glacier
location Ellsworthland , West Antarctica
Mountains Sentinel Range , Ellsworth Mountains
length 16 km
Coordinates 78 ° 32 ′  S , 84 ° 20 ′  W Coordinates: 78 ° 32 ′  S , 84 ° 20 ′  W
Hough Glacier (Antarctica)
Hough glacier

The Hough Glacier is a 16 km long glacier in the west Antarctic Ellsworthland . In the southeastern part of the Sentinel Range in the Ellsworth Mountains, it flows in an east-southeast direction south of Mount Tuck between the Guerrero and Remington glaciers .

The United States Geological Survey mapped it on the basis of its own measurements and aerial photographs of the United States Navy from the years 1957 to 1959. The Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names named it in 1961 after the US ionospheric physicist William Sigourney Hough (* 1924), who in 1957 the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station .

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