Hoya diversifolia

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Hoya diversifolia
Order : Enzianartige (Gentianales)
Family : Dog poison family (Apocynaceae)
Subfamily : Silk plants (Asclepiadoideae)
Tribe : Marsdenieae
Genre : Wax flowers ( hoya )
Type : Hoya diversifolia
Scientific name
Hoya diversifolia

Hoya diversifolia is a plant of the genus of wax flowers ( Hoya ) of the subfamily of asclepiadoideae (Asclepiadoideae).


Hoya diversifolis has strong, twisting or climbing shoots with a smooth, brown surface. They can become quite thick and lignified. They grow terrestrially or as epiphytes on trees. The perennial leaves sit on thick stems about 0.7 to 2 cm long. The blade is elliptical to inverted oval and measures about 13 × 5 cm. They are slightly succulent, thick-fleshed with a matt surface. The inflorescence is 1 to 20-flowered, the stalked cinderella is convex and upright. The stiff stem of the inflorescence is up to about 3.5 cm long. The individual flowers also sit on stems, these are up to about 2 cm long. The sepals are obtuse-elliptical and apical with eyelashes. The corolla measures about 1.3 cm in diameter and is light pink in color. The petal lobes are rounded oval, the edges are each bent. The secondary crown is flat and dark pink in color. The interstaminal corolla lobes are broad. The outer extension is round, the inner extension is pointed. The spindle-shaped fruits measure 6 to 14 cm in length and about 0.6 cm in diameter.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 22.

Geographical occurrence

The species is found in Cambodia , Laos , Vietnam , Thailand , Myanmar , Malaysia , Singapore and Indonesia .


The taxon was first described by Blume in 1825. The holotype was collected in eastern Java .


  • Focke Albers and Ulli Meve (eds.): Succulent lexicon Volume 3 Asclepiadaceae (silk plants). 322 p., Ulmer, Stuttgart 2002 ISBN 978-3-8001-3982-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. Hoya diversifolia at Tropicos.org. In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis
  2. Carl Ludwig Blume: Bijdragen tot de flora van Nederlandsch Indië , part 16, Ter Lands Drukkerij, Batavia / Djakarta, 1825-1826 Online at Biodiversity Heritage Library , p. 1064.

Web links

Commons : Hoya diversifolia  - collection of images, videos and audio files