Hoya dolichosparte

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Hoya dolichosparte
Order : Enzianartige (Gentianales)
Family : Dog poison family (Apocynaceae)
Subfamily : Silk plants (Asclepiadoideae)
Tribe : Marsdenieae
Genre : Wax flowers ( hoya )
Type : Hoya dolichosparte
Scientific name
Hoya dolichosparte

Hoya dolichosparte is a plant of the genus of wax flowers ( Hoya ) of the subfamily of asclepiadoideae (Asclepiadoideae).


Hoya dolichosparte is a perennial , epiphytic , climbing plant with thin shoots and widely spaced leaves or long internodes. The bare shoots quickly become lignified and are densely covered with short adherent roots. The leaves are stalked, the stems are thick and 1 to 2 cm long. The leaf blades are egg-shaped, 9 to 13.5 cm long and 6.5 to 9 cm wide. The leaf veins are pronounced. 3 to 5 main cores are connected to one another in a network by lateral cores.

The umbellate inflorescences contain 15 to 40 flowers. They have a convex top and stand upright. The bare inflorescence stalks are typically quite short, usually shorter than 2 cm. The white, star-shaped corolla has a diameter of 1.3 cm. The sepals are egg-shaped, bluntly tapering and 2 mm long. They are bald on the inside and sparsely hairy on the outside. The oblong, egg-shaped petal lobes are pointed. The corolla is glabrous on the outside, papilous to very finely hairy on the inside. The whitish tips of the secondary crown are elliptical and pointed. The outer processes are slightly higher than the inner processes. They are bright red.

The pollinia very long with 560 µm and comparatively narrow (180 µm). They only have a very narrow hyaline outer edge. The caudiculae (translator arms) have a max. Length of 90 µm very short and thick with long wings (approx. 125 µm). The roughly rhombic corpusculum is 210 µm long. The upper tip is blunt, the apex ends in two points. The upper width is 130 µm, the lower width 90 µm.

Similar Art

Hoya dolichosparte is similar in vegetative habit to Hoya camphorifolia . The two species are often found in the same habitat. The main difference between the two types is the inflorescence. Hoya dolichosparte is also close to Hoya nicholsoniae F. Muell. related. Also Hoya bandaensis Schltr was with. Dolichosparte Hoya compared. It differs in the very long and very high climbing shoots as well as the whitish petals with white, in the middle red corolla. Hoya loyceandrewsiana is distinguished by its larger leaves and larger flowers.

Geographical distribution and habitat

The species is endemic to Sulawesi (Indonesia). It occurs from sea level to about 600 meters above sea level. It grows there epiphytically in the undergrowth and on trees along the sea coasts and along rivers and lakes. Hoya dolichosparte was also found in bushes along plantations. In areas with limestone subsoil, it also grows terrestrially on steep limestone cliffs. Rudolf Schlechter found her in bloom in January 1910.


The taxon was first described by Rudolf Schlechter in 1916 . The holotype came from Sulawesi and is kept in the herbarium of the Botanical Garden Berlin (Schlechter 20642).


  • David Kleijn, Ruurd van Donkelaar: Notes on the taxonomy and ecology of the genus Hoya (Ascepiadaceae) in Central Sulawesi. Blumea, 46: 457-483, 2001, here pp. 469-473

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rudolf Schlechter: New Asclepiadaceen of Sumatra and Celebes. Supplements to the Botanisches Centralblatt, Divisions 1 and 2, 34: 1-18, 1916 Online at Biodiversity Heritage Library

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