Hoya memoria

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Hoya memoria
Order : Enzianartige (Gentianales)
Family : Dog poison family (Apocynaceae)
Subfamily : Silk plants (Asclepiadoideae)
Tribe : Marsdenieae
Genre : Wax flowers ( hoya )
Type : Hoya memoria
Scientific name
Hoya memoria

Hoya memoria is a plant of the genus of wax flowers ( Hoya ) of the subfamily of asclepiadoideae (Asclepiadoideae).


Hoya gracilis is a slender, epiphytic , non-twisting, climbing-hanging plant with densely leafed shoots. The shoots are 0.2 cm in diameter and are glabrous and flexible. The spread out, opposite leaves are short stalked. The leathery leaf blades are lanceolate-elliptical, 4 to 6 cm long and 1.5 to 2 cm wide in the middle. The top and bottom are bare and look waxy. The base is wedge-shaped, the apex is pointed. The leaf veins are not prominent, only the midrib is slightly runny and often a little lighter. From the midrib there are 3 to 4 very indistinct secondary ribs on each side. The leaf blades are dark green with silvery spots, the underside clearly lighter.

The umbel-shaped inflorescence consists of 20 to 30 flowers (25 to 35 flowers), the top is flat. The very slender flower stalks are up to 1.5 cm long and have only very sparse hairs, otherwise they are bare. The broad, egg-shaped sepals are about 1.5 mm long and just as wide. The apex is blunt. The sepals overlap at the base by about half. The outside is bare. The corolla has a diameter of 0.7 cm and is pinkish red to red. The petals are fused together in the basal third. The egg-shaped petal tips are 0.36 cm long and curved back, the apices are pointed short. You measure from sine to sine, i.e. i. the width about 0.25 cm. They are bare on the outside, downy hairy on the inside, the base is tomentose and only the tips of the petal tips are bare. The secondary crown is dark red, the apices are yellow. The corolla lobes are spread almost horizontally; they are about 3 mm long.

The inner process is long and spatulate and rises. The outer process is pointed. When viewed from above, they are egg-shaped. The anthers are only slightly shorter than the inner processes. The outer process is blunt. The anthers are trapezoidal with ovoid hyaline appendages. The Pollinia are comparatively short and wide, about 300 µm long and 110 µm wide. The apex is beveled inward, the outer edge is hyaline. The caudiculae are 120 µm long and 40 µm deep and 20 µm wide. Outside there are tear-shaped cushions. The roughly rhombic shaped corpusculum is 50 µm long and constricted roughly in the middle. The shoulders are 50 µm wide, the waist 40 µm wide and the hips 50 µm wide. At the lower end there are two thorn-like, 40 µm long processes.

The flowers smell sweet like caramel, produce little nectar and last about a week.

Similar species

Hoya memoria is similar to Hoya gracilis Schltr. from Sulawesi, but differs in the sepals (ovate with cilia vs. oblong, blunt and glabrous). The corolla of Hoya memoria is downy to tomentose inside vs. papillary-fluffy in Hoya gracilis . The caudiculae are 120 µm long, in Hoya gracilis they are very short, almost absent.

The pollinarium is similar to the pollinarium of Hoya odetteae Kloppenb. and Hoya brevialata Kleijn & Donkelaar, but in these species the corpusculum is smaller. Somadee and Kühne write that the species status is controversial and that Hoya memoria is the Filipino counterpart to Hoya parviflora from Malaysia. The corolla of Hoya parviflora is significantly smaller. The pollinia of this species are significantly shorter in relation to the width.

Geographical distribution and habitat

The original plant grew to a fence in the Philippine Memorial Garden in Manila (Philippines), where he was in 1981 by Robert Dale Kloppenburg and Ted Green discovered and taken by cuttings in culture. The origin of this plant could not be unequivocally established. Kloppenburg suspects that it came from the southern Philippines.


The taxon Hoya memoria was described by Robert Dale Kloppenburg in 2004. The holotype is deposited in the herbarium of the University of California at Berkeley, California under the number 81074. The species is part of the Acanthostemma Kloppenburg section within the genus Hoya R.Br. posed.

Simone Merdon-Bennack lists Hoya memoria Kloppenburg (2004) as a synonym for Hoya gracilis . However, the species is accepted as a species in its own right by Plants of the World online .


  • Dale Kloppenburg, Ann Wayman: The World of Hoyas - a book of pictures. A revised version. Orca Publishing Company, Central Point, Oregon 2007, ISBN 0-9630489-4-5 , pp. 118/19 (as Hoya gracilis )
  • Anders Wennström, Katarina Stenman: The Genus Hoya - Species and Cultivation. 144 p., Botanova, Umeå 2008 ISBN 978-91-633-0477-4 , p. 93.

Individual evidence

  1. Surisa Somadee, Jens Kühne: Hoya 200 different wax flowers. 96 p., Formosa-Verlag, Witten 2011 ISBN 978-3-934733-08-4 , p. 63.
  2. Hoya memoria Kloppenburg on Myhoyas.com
  3. ^ Robert Dale Kloppenburg: Hoya memoria Kloppenburg sp. nova. Fraterna, 17 (4): 1-5, 2004 Online at Biodiversity Heritage Library
  4. ^ Website on the genus Hoya by Simone Merdon-Bennack
  5. ^ Kew Science - Plants of the World online: Hoya memoria Kloppenb.