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The Arabic- Islamic legal term Hudna, Arabic هدنة, DMG hudna , means something like armistice . In Islamic law ( Sharia ), a hudna is the only form of peaceful coexistence between the area ("house") of Islam ( Dār al-Islām ) and an area not under Islamic rule ("House of War", Dār al-Harb ) , since peace between the two areas is impossible in classical Islamic legal thought.

A hudna could be concluded if this was in the interests of the Muslims and especially if there was a military inferiority of the Muslim armed forces. The duration of such a contract was not determined unanimously in law schools . With the exception of the Hanafites , such a contract was only allowed to have temporary effect after each legal school.

The conclusion of a hudna should be carried out by the imam , but it can also be delegated.

A historical example of a Hudna is the Peace of Eisenburg .

In the Middle East conflict , Hamas has repeatedly suggested concluding a hudna as a concession to Israel , since a regular peace treaty is impossible for the strictly Islamic Hamas. The Sharia only allows a ceasefire with non-Muslims, but no peace treaty. However, the ceasefire can be extended if necessary.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Hudna . In: The Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition. Brill, Leiden, Volume 3, p. 546
  2. For details, see: Rudolph Peters: Islam and Colonialism. The doctrine of Jihad in Modern History. Mouton Publishers, 1979. pp. 33 f.
  3. Working title: Jihad, Armistice or Peace with Israel? ( Memento from September 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) University of Tübingen