Hugo Jacob

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Hugo Jacob (born June 28, 1883 in Unterloquitz ; † April 26, 1949 near Stiebritz ) was a Thuringian teacher, senior teacher and local researcher .

As the son of a railway employee, Jacob attended the teachers' college in Weimar from 1898 to 1904 . He was then employed in Kospoda and in 1907 transferred to Stiebritz . There, interrupted by military service in 1915/16, he worked as a teacher and senior teacher for the villages of Stiebritz and Hainichen until 1944. In addition, Jacob was involved in the entire cultural life of his communities, for example as the founder and head of a choral society, as an organizer of theater performances and trips to Weimar, as accountant and secretary of the political and church communities or in adult education for local history. Jacob was a passionate painter, draftsman and photographer. At the same time he was interested in the collection of regional historical sources and manuscripts. His marriage to the daughter of the Stiebritz mayor Rosenhain in 1909 resulted in two children.

At the time of the Weimar Republic Jacob was active in the organization of the Landbund . In 1938 he became a member of the NSDAP and in autumn 1945, by order of the Soviet military administration, he was dismissed from school.


Hugo Jacob wrote numerous writings on the history of the villages of Stiebritz and Hainichen, the regional history north of Jena , field naming and historical manuscripts of the region. Much of his work, however, is unpublished. His estate is currently in private hands.

Writings by Hugo Jacob :

  • Heimatblocken - Evangelisches Gemeindeblatt für Hainichen, Stiebritz ,zimmer , Ed. Pastor of the Diocese of Apolda, 1913–1940 (in which various contributions to local history and current affairs)
  • Chronicle of Stiebritz - A village history from home , without a year, printed in: M. Rode: 850 Stiebritz (1156–2006). A chronicle for the 850th anniversary of the town, Stiebritz 2006, pp. 41–46
  • A Dornburg Guardian Directory from 1680 , in:… No. 6/7 (1930)
  • Old peasant names from the former Dornburg office , ibid, after 1930
  • Hainichen as the place of birth of Anselm von Feuerbach , in: Der Thüringer Bauernspiegel, Vol. 9 (1932), pp. 171-173
  • A border and Trift dispute between Stiebritz and Hainichen in 1560 , in: Der Thüringer Bauernspiegel, 1932, pp. 271–276
  • Gustav Adolf in Erfurt ... , ibid, 1933, p. 57
  • The oldest known pictorial representation of the parish of Hainichen near Dornburg and its history , in: Das Thüringer Fähnlein, 7th year (1938), pp. 162–165
  • A previously unknown handwritten chronicle from Erfurt and Thuringia from the time of the Thirty Years War , in: Das Thüringer Fähnlein, 7th year (1938), pp. 185–187
  • A family fate in Erfurt during the Thirty Years' War , in: Die Thüringer Sippe, 5th year (1938), pp. 98-108
  • A Dornburg torture protocol from 1702 , in: Das Thüringer Fähnlein, 8th year (1939), p. 391ff.
  • School chronicle Stiebritz , manuscript, Stiebritz 1946

Writings about Hugo Jacob :

  • M. Rode: The senior teacher Hugo Jacob - an important teacher and historical researcher of our place , in: The same: 850 Stiebritz (1156-2006). A chronicle for the 850th anniversary of the town, Stiebritz 2006, pp. 36–41
  • R. Hergt: Local jubilee of the senior teacher Jacob , in the same: Stiebritz calendar sheets. Ein Heimatgeschichtliches Reader, Stiebritz 2009, Vol. 2, pp. 213–214
  • R. Hergt: Dismissal from school service , ibid, pp. 335–336
  • R. Hergt: Stiebritz and the Erfurt Chronicle of Hans Krafft , ibid, pp. 287–288 (see also: Hans Krafft (1589–1665): "Chronicle of the Thirty Years War" )