Hugo Koller

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Hugo Koller; by Egon Schiele

Hugo Koller (born December 23, 1867 in Vienna ; † 1949 ) was a Viennese industrialist, art lover and bibliophile.

He studied medicine as well as mathematics and physics at the University of Vienna from 1884 to 1890 , where he dealt intensively with electrochemistry . In 1889 Koller received his doctorate in philosophy and a year later as a doctor of general medicine.

Koller published several scientific papers in the meeting reports of the Imperial Academy of Sciences (today: Austrian Academy of Sciences ). In 1891 Koller got a job as an assistant in the physical cabinet of the University of Vienna.

In the circle of the Viennese Brucknerians around Hugo Wolf , Friedrich Eckstein , Josef and Franz Schalk , he met the Jewish painter Broncia Pineles . Koller, a Catholic, converted, the two married in 1896 regardless of family objections, and they had two children: Rupert Koller (1896–1976; ∞ Anna Mahler ) and Silvia Koller (1898–1963 / 1966). You initially lived in Salzburg. As a collector and patron, he promoted his wife's artistic work and, through his good relationships with the Secessionists and artists of the Wiener Werkstätte, also made it easier for her to access the exhibition.

In 1897 he built the first power station in Lower Austria to drive his father-in-law Saul Pineles (1834–1903) factory in Oberwaltersdorf . In 1898 the family moved to Nuremberg. In 1903 the family moved back to Vienna and now lived right next to the Theater an der Wien. After the death of their father-in-law, they acquired his Oberwaltersdorf estate, where they were happy to receive artists. The family welcomed the painter Heinrich Schröder (1881–1943) like a son. Koller owned a library of several thousand volumes of old books and valuable early prints, in the middle of which he was represented by Schiele in 1910 or 1918. In 1913, according to plans by his friend Josef Hoffmann, he added a building for his laboratory to the factory. In 1916 he became the second managing director of the newly founded Elektrochemische Werke Breslau GmbH .


  • On the passage of electricity through very bad conductors . In: Meeting reports / Academy of Sciences in Vienna, mathematical and natural science class. Vienna: Gerold, Tempsky, Hölder 1889.
  • About the behavior of insulators at higher temperatures . In: Meeting reports / Academy of Sciences in Vienna, mathematical and natural science class. Vienna: Gerold, Tempsky, Hölder 1890.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Ludwig Eisenberg: Koller Hugo (physicist) . In: Ludwig Eisenberg (Hrsg.): Das Geistige Wien: Artist and Writer Lexicon; Communications about Viennese architects, sculptors, stage artists, graphic artists, journalists, painters, musicians and writers . tape 2 . Daberkow, Vienna 1893.