Huguette Dreyfus

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Huguette Dreyfus (undated)

Huguette Dreyfus (born November 30, 1928 in Mulhouse in Alsace , † May 16, 2016 in Paris ) was a French harpsichordist .


Huguette Dreyfus received her first piano lessons at the age of five. At the age of eleven she was already studying at the Clermont-Ferrand Conservatory , where she graduated five years later with honors. She moved to the École Normale de Musique de Paris and finished her studies with a diploma. Her strong affinity for harpsichord compositions sparked at the local conservatory. Through the Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena , she led her musical career in 1963 together with the Paul Kuentz Chamber Orchestra in the USA, where the ensemble celebrated great success. She worked as a teacher, lecturer and musicologist. In 1967 she became a professor at the Schola Cantorum in Paris and also taught at the Sorbonne .

Huguette Dreyfus was well known as a harpsichordist. Her preferred instrument was a harpsichord made by Jean-Henri Hemsch , who came from Germany and worked in Paris . She has received numerous awards and prizes for her music recordings. For many years she was the accompanist of the violinist Eduard Melkus , with whom she made numerous chamber music recordings.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Décès de la claveciniste Huguette Dreyfus