Humani generis redemptionem

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The encyclical Humani generis redemptionem (lat .: ... redemption of the human race ...) by Pope Benedict XV. was published on June 15, 1917, it is subtitled "On the Sermon of the Word of God".

God's mission

"Through his death on the altar , Christ brought the" redemption of the human race "and it was only from him that the preachers were commissioned to convey the Good News to the whole world ", Benedict XV begins with this fundamental statement. his apostolic circular . First, Jesus chose the apostles as his rightful followers and commissioned them to preach the gospel throughout the world. He quotes: "Then he said to them: Go ye into the world and preach the gospel to every creature" ( Mk 16, 15) It is therefore God's will and order that the word of God may be told in a just and serious language this presupposes the Pope demanded that preferentially our (he means the preacher) thoughts in serious integrity and effectively be applied and this should be understood as a "mission of God."

Mission to the confreres

In his continuation, the Pope criticizes the distance from the straight path of sermons and the appearance of unauthorized preachers, he points out the causes that would have led to this situation.

  • This includes the neglected supervision of the bishops , who are responsible for this pastoral duty. Within their dioceses they must stand up for all matters; they should not leave inconveniences to themselves, but instead intervene to regulate by virtue of their pastoral office.
  • The bishops should exercise their duty to authorize the sermon more intensely. It is not acceptable for preachers to appoint themselves, the Pope quotes: “But how should someone preach when he is not sent? ( Romans 10, 15) ”.
  • With clear and unambiguous words, he calls on his confreres to put an end to these grievances and to ensure that no self-chosen preacher enters the pulpit in their dioceses . The test for the quality of a preacher must be subject to strict criteria.

Order to the preachers

The aim of the preachers must be to spread the light of truth in order to stimulate and develop the supernatural life in their listeners - the Pope calls this: "to send a greeting to the soul". The preachers should not only try to preach the word of God verbatim, no, they should also open their hearts. But, he warns, it is not about pleasing the believer and getting their approval. First and foremost, training and preparation for the sermon are of central importance in order to meet these requirements, be it an absolute prerequisite to have learned the theological basics scientifically , because: "Ignorance is the mother of all mistakes" . That is why every preacher must above all practice reverence in order to bring God's message closer to his listeners; he must not expect personal success from it, because ultimately only God is his goal and not himself.

About the preachers

90 years later, Pope Benedict XVI. , in his post-synodal apostolic letter " Sacramentum caritatis " of February 22, 2007, in the same way with the topic "Sermon" and states (excerpt):

“Priests must“ carefully prepare the sermon, drawing on an adequate knowledge of the Scriptures ”. Superficial general or abstract sermons should be avoided. In particular, I ask the preachers to ensure that the homily brings the proclaimed word of God into such close connection with the sacramental celebration and with the life of the community that the word of God is really support and life for the church ”.

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