Humbert de Grammont

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Humbert de Grammont († December 13 or 14, 1135 ) was Bishop of Geneva from 1119/20 to 1135 .


Humbert's date of birth is unknown; he was first mentioned around 1100. He comes from a wealthy and influential family who had their ancestral home near Belley in the Bugey . He was appointed Bishop of Geneva by Pope Calixt II in 1119 or 1120 with the aim of limiting the influence of Emperor Henry V. The consecration by Calixt took place on March 4, 1130 in Gap . Humbert managed to regain lost income and rights under his predecessors. In the Treaty of Seyssel (1124) with Count Aymon of Geneva it was specified that the bishop exercised the rule of the city and the count became his liege lord. For this, the count was confirmed as castvogt of the diocese and granted him the right to enforce judgments and a residence in Chateau du Bourg-de-Four near the city.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Catherine Santschi: Geneva . In: Lexicon of the Middle Ages . tape 4 . dtv, Munich 2002, ISBN 3-423-59057-2 , Sp. 1128-1132 .
predecessor Office successor
Guy de Faucigny Bishop of Geneva
1119 / 20–1135
Arducius de Faucigny