Hyppolyt from Gemmingen

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Hyppolyt from Gemmingen

Hyppolyt von Gemmingen (born April 29, 1856 ; † 1924 ) was a major general in Württemberg .


He came from the branch Bonfeld Oberschloss within the 2nd branch (Bonfeld) of the II line (Gemmingen, Guttenberg) of the barons of Gemmingen and was the youngest son of the Saxon-Meiningischen Land-Oberjägermeister Karl Weiprecht Reinhard von Gemmingen (1797-1882) his second marriage to Hippolythe von Zeppelin (1821–1882). The family had lived in Karlsruhe since 1852 .

In 1895 he was Rittmeister in the 1st Württ. Uhlan regiment and rose to major general in the Württemberg military .


He married Josepha Teixeira de Vasconcellos (1857–1943) on October 22, 1881. The marriage remained childless.

Although he had four half-brothers who had come to an age, including Otto (1838-1892), they all remained without male offspring and Hyppolyt survived them all due to the great age difference of up to 19 years. He also survived his cousins Karl (1838–1880) and Sigmund (1839–1918), so that after Hyppolyt's death from the Bonfeld Oberschloss branch of the Barons of Gemmingen, only Sigmund's son Hans (1878–1940), with whom the branch was male, lived died out.
