IBSA dialogue forum

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India, Brazil and South Africa

The IBSA Dialogue Forum ( English IBSA Dialogue Forum , Portuguese Fórum de Diálogo IBAS ) is a coordinating mechanism of the three emerging economies I ndia , B razil and S OD a frica . On this platform, the three countries discuss possibilities for cooperation and the like. a. in the fields of agriculture, trade, culture and defense.

All three countries are market-based democracies with large populations and great cultural and ethnic diversity. They are leaders in their respective regions of the world: India in South Asia , Brazil in South America , South Africa in southern Africa .

Development and goals

IBSA summit 2007 in Pretoria : Manmohan Singh , Thabo Mbeki and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (from left to right)

The decision to found the IBSA dialogue forum was taken by Foreign Ministers Celso Amorim (Brazil), Yashwant Sinha (India) and Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma (South Africa) on June 6, 2003 in Brasília . In a “Declaration of Brasilia” they committed themselves - in contrast to the People's Republic of China - to democracy, peace and human rights. Since then, the foreign, defense and trade ministers have met regularly for consultations. In 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2011 there were summits of heads of state and government. The sixth summit has been postponed several times since 2013. It was originally supposed to take place in India and was held in Durban , South Africa, in 2017 .

The three southern powers are united by the endeavor to improve their position as representatives of their respective regions of the world in international bodies such as the United Nations Security Council . Furthermore, they coordinate their approach in the World Trade Organization with the aim of securing free access to the world markets for the export industry on the one hand and protecting domestic branches of industry from ruinous competition from abroad on the other.


As part of the defense cooperation of the three countries took place from May 2 to 16, 2008 (IBSAMAR I), in September 2010 (IBSAMAR II), from October 10 to 26, 2012 (IBSAMAR III), from October 20 to November 7 2014 (IBSAMAR IV) and from February 19 to 29, 2016 (IBSAMAR V) joint exercises between the navies of Brazil, South Africa and India took place.

See also

Web links


  • Thomas Manz: Alliances and groups in the global governance system . Multilateralism between particular interests and inverse requirements. In: International Politics and Society . No. 2 . Dietz, 2007, ISSN  0945-2419 , Intensified »Multilateralism of the South«, p. 25–45, here pp. 37–39 ( fes.de [PDF; accessed on April 22, 2010]).
  • Johannes Maerk; Heinz Nissel: The IBSA dialogue forum . In: Austrian military magazine . No. 2 . Republic of Austria / Federal Minister for National Defense, 2015, ISSN  0048-1440 , The South-South Cooperation between India, Brazil and South Africa, p. 162-167 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Press Trust of India: India, Brazil, South Africa sign IBSA Trust Fund agreement . In: Business Standard India . October 18, 2017 ( business-standard.com [accessed April 3, 2020]).
  2. 'Exercise IBSAMAR' between India, South Africa, Brazil begins on Friday | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis . In: dna . February 18, 2016 ( dnaindia.com [accessed December 11, 2016]).
  3. Exercise IBSAMAR V: SA Special Forces flying the South African flag high. In: www.navy.mil.za. Retrieved December 11, 2016 .
  4. Exercise IBSAMAR-V between India, Brazil and South Africa | Indian Navy. In: www.indiannavy.nic.in. Retrieved December 11, 2016 .