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The INPA , engl. National Institute of Amazonian Research, Port. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia , is a government research institute in Manaus , Brazil . It is nicknamed " Orgulho de Amazônia "

The INPA was founded in 1952 and was supposed to serve "rainforest research", the exploration of the Amazon . The background was the socio-economic development of the rainforest region. At the time, the focus was still on the exploitation of resources. The focus of the research topics at INPA today is sustainability and the disciplines of ecology , molecular ecology , zoology , botany , limnology , food technology , forestry , tropical agriculture and tropical fish management / aquaculture . The institute maintains a collection of Amazonian fauna and flora. It has other research facilities in the states of Acre , Roraima and Rondônia .

Research projects

  • ADAPTA - Adaptações da Biota Aquática da Amazônia (adaptations to aquatic habitats)
  • AGROECO - Impacto Ambiental e Capacidade de Suporte (ecology rainforest, deforestation)
  • LBA - Biosfera-Atmosfera na Amazônia ( biosphere , Amazonian atmosphere )
  • PDBFF - Proj. Dinâmica Biol. De Frag. Florestais
  • PELD - Pesquisas Ecológicas de Longa Duração (ecological projects with a long duration)
  • Pimentas de Roraima (Roraimas spices)
  • Programa PPbio ( biodiversity )
  • Projeto Biotupé
  • Projeto CTPetro
  • Projeto Gavião-real
  • Projeto Geoma
  • Projeto Madeiras da Amazônia (Amazonian Wood)
  • Projeto Pirada
  • Projeto Sementes do Brasil
  • Pupunha-Net
  • TEAM
  • Projeto Povos Indígena e Recursos Comuns
  • ZEE-DAS Componente Biodiversidade
  • Projeto Igarapés
  • Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia dos Serviços Ambientais da Amazônia
  • Projeto Insetos Aquáticos
  • Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia de Estudos Integrados da Biodiversidade Amazônica - CENBAM


The INPA publishes its own magazine, Acta Amazônica.

Web links

Notes and individual references

  1. port. The pride of Amazonia
  2. Tupí language igarapé - waterway