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Uruguay Argentinien Paraguay Peru Chile Kolumbien Venezuela Guyana Surinam Frankreich Bolivien Amapá Roraima Acre Amazonas Pará Rondônia Maranhão Piauí Ceará Rio Grande do Norte Paraíba Pernambuco Alagoas Sergipe Tocantins Mato Grosso Espírito Santo Distrito Federal do Brasil Bahia Rio de Janeiro Goiás Mato Grosso do Sul Minas Gerais São Paulo Paraná Santa Catarina Rio Grande do Sullocation
About this picture
coat of arms
coat of arms
Basic data
Country Brazil
Capital Porto Velho
surface 238,512.8 km²
Residents 1,535,625 (2010)
density 6.4 inhabitants per km²
ISO 3166-2 BR-RO
governor Marcos Rocha (2019-2023)
Political party PSL
GDP 39,451  million  R $
22,073  R $ per capita

Coordinates: 11 °  S , 63 °  W

Rondônia , officially Portuguese Estado de Rondônia , is a federal state in the north of Brazil . The capital of Rondônia is Porto Velho .


Rondônia borders the Brazilian states of Amazonas , Acre and Mato Grosso as well as Bolivia . It belongs to the Brazilian greater Norte region .

In 2010 Rondônia had an area of ​​around 238,513 km², slightly more than Romania and significantly more than Great Britain . With 1.54 million inhabitants (2010) the population density was 6.4 per km². The population was estimated at 1,777,225 inhabitants as of July 1, 2019, the area was around 237,765 km² in 2018, about 748 km² less than in the last survey in 2010.


Rondônia was created as a result of a development project sponsored by the Brazilian government since the 1970s. In 1981 the area was made a state. Before that, the area inhabited by the Guaporé Indians was hardly known.

On September 13, 1943, Law No. 5.812 established the Território Federal do Guaporé , the German federal territory of Guaporé . It became on February 17, 1956 in honor of Cândido Rondon by law No. 21.731 to the Território Federal de Rondôndia , German federal territory of Rondônia . On January 4, 1982, Rondônia became a state of its own and determines its own politics.

The new state is named after the Brazilian researcher, surveyor and telegraph line builder Cândido Rondon, who was accompanied by Theodore Roosevelt , the former US President, on an expedition to northern Mato Grosso in 1913 .


Marcos Rocha of the right-wing Partido Social Liberal (PSL) has been governor since the 2018 elections in Brazil for the 2019-2023 term of office .

The legislature lies with the Legislative Assembly of Rondônia ( Assembleia Legislativa do Estado de Rondônia ) with 24 elected representatives.


Rondônia's economic livelihood is primarily the use of the tropical rainforest . For wood extraction and the creation of plantations, tropical forests have been and are being converted en masse, and much rainforest is being destroyed by overexploitation . So far, around 25 percent of the state's forests have been cleared. In addition to the wood industry, mining is an important branch of the country's economy with the extraction of tin ore, but also gold, iron ore, manganese and precious stones. Until 2000, the population grew rapidly due to the influx from the poor Brazilian northeast. In the meantime, growth has weakened significantly and is in line with the Brazilian average.

Indigenous emissions trading

In the last few decades, resistance against the overexploitation of nature began to rise among the indigenous population. Members of the Suruí (Paiter) tribe are defending themselves against wood thieves with the help of the Internet, Google Earth and GPS, and in 2007 they began planning to enter into international emissions trading . After the necessary certifications, the first Brazilian domestic emission certificate sale of 120,000 tons to the cosmetics group Natura took place in September 2013 .


The ten most populous of the 52 cities in Rondônia are according to the 2010 census and the IBGE's population estimate as of July 1, 2019 :

local community
2010 census
July 1, 2019
01 Porto VelhoWorld icon 000000000428527.0000000000428,527 000000000529544.0000000000529.544   Porto Velho 1 09072007.jpg
02 Ji-Paraná World icon 000000000116610.0000000000116,610 000000000128969.0000000000128,969   Duplicação.jpg
03 Ariquemes World icon 000000000090353.000000000090.353 000000000107863.0000000000107,863  
04 / ↓ 5 Cacoal World icon 000000000078574.000000000078,574 000000000085359.000000000085,359   Vista parcial Cacoal RO.jpg
05 / ↑ 4 Vilhena World icon 000000000076202.000000000076.202 000000000099854.000000000099,854   Vilhena RO.jpg
06 / ↓ 7 Jaru World icon 000000000052005.000000000052.005 000000000051775.000000000051,775  
07 / ↑ 6 Rolim de Moura World icon 000000000050648.000000000050,648 000000000055058.000000000055,058  
08th Guajará-Mirim World icon 000000000041656.000000000041,656 000000000046174.000000000046.174  
09 / ↓ 10 Ouro Preto do Oeste World icon 000000000037928.000000000037,928 000000000036035.000000000036,035  
10 / ↑ 9 Pimenta Bueno World icon 000000000033822.000000000033,822 000000000036660.000000000036,660  

Web links

Commons : Rondônia  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Rondônia - Panorama. In: IBGE , accessed September 5, 2019 (Brazilian Portuguese).
  2. Contas Regionais 2016: entre as 27 unidades da federação, somente Roraima teve crescimento do PIB. In: IBGE , Agência de Notícias, November 16, 2016, accessed July 29, 2019 (Brazilian Portuguese).
  3. História. In: Assembleia Legislativa do Estado de Rondônia, accessed May 29, 2020 (Brazilian Portuguese).
  4. Indios Paiter-Surui usam tecnologia para manter as tradições e lutar contra ameaças na Amazônia. Speech Sustentabilidade, September 11, 2013, accessed April 10, 2018 (Brazilian Portuguese).
  5. ^ Juliane von Mittelstaedt: Brazil: The global Indian. In: Der Spiegel 21/2010, May 22, 2010, pp. 86–89: “The Surui people are fighting against the deforestation of their rainforest: not with a bow and arrow, but with the Internet, GPS and Google Earth. It plans to enter global emissions trading soon ”.
  6. Índios suruí concluem 1ª venda de créditos de carbono indígenas do país . G1 - Natureza, September 12, 2013 (Brazilian Portuguese, [accessed April 10, 2018]).
  7. Relatório de implementação do Projeto de Carbono Florestal Suruí . Cacoal September 2014 (Brazilian Portuguese, [PDF; accessed April 10, 2018]).
  8. IBGE : Estados @ Rondônia - Panorama . Retrieved September 21, 2019 (Brazilian Portuguese).