ISS Vita

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Mission dates
Mission: ISS Vita
Space station: ISS
Start: July 28, 2017, 15:41  UTC
Started by: Launch of Soyuz MS-05
The End: December 14, 2017
Ended by: Landing of Soyuz MS-05
Team photo
Paolo Nespoli in the European Columbus laboratory, the mission logo can be seen to the right of his head.
Paolo Nespoli in the European Columbus laboratory , the mission logo can be seen to the right of his head.
ISS Proxima
ISS Horizons

ISS Vita is the motto of an Italian space mission in which the spaceman Paolo Nespoli is on board the International Space Station (ISS) for six months . The mission name vita stands on the one hand for the Italian word for life, but also for vitality , innovation , technology and ability . The name says relatively little about the content of the mission, but it is common for ESA astronauts to put their mission under an individual motto.


Nespoli was officially selected as a spaceman with the European Astronaut Corps in July 1998 . He has flown to the ISS twice so far: in October 2007 with STS-120 and in 2010/11 for six months with Soyuz TMA-20 ( ISS 26 and 27 ). Nespoli is currently one of the most experienced astronauts on the ESA squad.

In June 2015 it was announced that Nespoli would fly into space for a long-term stay as part of ISS expeditions 52 and 53 . The Japanese spaceman Norishige Kanai was intended to replace Nespoli .

Mission history

Nespoli took off for the ISS on the Soyuz MS-05 spacecraft . He was accompanied by Sergei Rjasanski and Randolph Bresnik . At the station they joined Expedition 52 , which also includes Commander Fyodor Yurtschichin from Russia and US flight engineers Jack Fischer and Peggy Whitson .

Expedition 52 ended in September 2017 and was replaced by Expedition 53 . While Yurchichin, Fischer and Whitson returned to Earth, Nespoli stayed on the International Space Station with Ryazansky and Bresnik. The astronauts began Expedition 53 initially in threes, before three other members of the expedition flew to the ISS on September 13, Alexander Missurkin , Mark Vande Hei and Joe Acaba .

On December 14, 2017, Nespoli returned to Earth with Ryazansky and Bresnik. With the landing in Kazakhstan, Mission Vita officially ended.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b ESA: Vita: next Space Station mission name and logo. November 24, 2016, accessed November 24, 2016 .