Soyuz TMA-20

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Mission emblem
Mission emblem
Mission dates
Mission: Soyuz TMA-20
COSPAR-ID : 2010-067A
Spacecraft: Soyuz 7K-STA ( GRAY index  11F732)
serial number 230
Launcher: Soyuz FG (GRAY index 11A511FG)
Call sign: Варяг (Varyag - Varangian )
Crew: 3
Begin: December 15, 2010, 19:09 UTC
Starting place: Baikonur 1/5
Space station: ISS
Docking place: Rasswet
Coupling: December 17, 2010 20:12 UTC
Decoupling: May 23, 2011 21:35 UTC
Duration on the ISS : 157d 1h 23min
Landing: May 24, 2011 02:27 UTC
Landing place: 147 km southeast of Sheqazghan , Kazakhstan
47 ° 22 ′  N , 69 ° 28 ′  E
Flight duration: 159d 7h 18min
Earth orbits: 2508
Team photo
v.  l.  To the right: Catherine Coleman, Dmitri Kondratjew, Paolo Nespoli
v. l. To the right: Catherine Coleman, Dmitri Kondratjew, Paolo Nespoli
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Soyuz TMA-01M
Soyuz TMA-21
The ISS with the docked Endeavor , photographed by Paolo Nespoli in the Soyuz TMA-20 spacecraft.

Soyuz TMA-20 is the mission name for a flight of the Russian spacecraft Soyuz to the International Space Station (ISS) . As part of the ISS program, the flight is designated ISS AF-25S. It was the 25th visit by a Soyuz spacecraft to the ISS and the 131st flight in the Soyuz program.


Main crew

Substitute team

The crews were confirmed again on November 26, 2010 by Roskosmos.

Transport damage to the spaceship

During the several days of rail transport from the RKK Energija factory near Moscow to the launch site in Kazakhstan, the spaceship slipped in its container, causing the heat shield to be shifted. The damage was discovered during the inspection on October 5, 2010 in Baikonur. After a thorough investigation, it was decided to replace the return capsule with the one that was actually intended for the Soyuz TMA-21 . This was flown in to Baikonur, so that the start was only delayed by two days.

Mission history

This mission brought three crew members from ISS expeditions 26 and 27 to the International Space Station. The spaceship docked automatically with the Rasswet module on December 17, 2010 at 20:12 UTC after a two-day flight . In the meantime, a cable damage on the ground caused a radio interruption, so that the reserve system there had to be used for communication. The Soyuz spaceship replaced the Soyuz TMA-19 as an escape pod. Dmitri Kondratjew took over command of the ISS three months after take-off.

On May 23, 2011 at 21:35 UTC, Soyuz TMA-20 undocked with Kondratiev, Coleman and Nespoli on board. This marked the beginning of Expedition 28 on the ISS with Andrei Borissenko as commander. The mission management had agreed in advance to photographic documentation of the complex consisting of the ISS and the space shuttle ( STS-134 ). Paolo Nespoli carried out this task from the orbital module of the Soyuz spacecraft. The ISS was rotated a bit to get different angles.

After the Soyuz TMA-20 left the ISS, the brake ignition was initiated at 1:36 UTC the following day. After a normal descent, the crew capsule landed at around 2:27 UTC in warm and sunny weather in the Kazakh steppe 147 km southeast of Sheqasghan . "That was a picture-perfect landing for Dmitri Kondratjew, Paolo Nespoli and Cady Coleman," said NASA commentator Rob Navias, "All of the Soyuz TMA-20 systems worked properly, there were no problems."

See also

Web links

Commons : Soyuz TMA-20  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. rka statistics - Soyuz program
  2. Позывные экипажей советских / российских космических кораблей., June 16, 2010, accessed October 11, 2010 (Russian).
  3. ^ A b New Expedition 26 Trio Arrives at Station. NASA , December 20, 2010, accessed September 28, 2014 .
  4. New ISS crew confirmed. RIA Novosti / Sputnik News, November 28, 2010, accessed November 28, 2010 .
  5. Soyuz capsule apparently damaged during rail transport. RIA Novosti, October 6, 2010, archived from the original on March 12, 2016 ; Retrieved October 11, 2010 .
  6. Soyuz capsule damaged. n-tv, October 8, 2010, accessed January 8, 2011 .
  7. About Delivery of Soyuz TMA-20 Descent Capsule to Baikonur. Roscosmos, October 13, 2010, archived from the original on September 29, 2010 ; accessed on October 15, 2010 (English).
  8. a b Europe's third long-term flight - Mission Soyuz TMA 20 - Expedition 26/27. In: FliegerRevue, March 2011, pp. 42–44
  9. Ralf Möllenbeck: Russian capsule landed safely., May 24, 2011, accessed May 24, 2011 .
  10. ^ William Harwood: Soyuz crew returns to Earth after shuttle photo, May 23, 2011, accessed May 29, 2011 .