Soyuz 17

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Mission dates
Mission: Soyuz 17
COSPAR-ID : 1975-001A
Spacecraft: Soyuz 7K-T ( GRAY index  11F615A8)
serial number 38
Dimensions: 6800 kg
Launcher: Soyuz (GRAY index 11A511)
Call sign: Зенит (" zenith ")
Crew: 2
Begin: January 10, 1975, 21:43:37  UTC
Starting place: Baikonur 1/5
Space station: Salyut 4
Coupling: January 12, 1975, 01:25 UTC
Decoupling: February 9, 1975, 06:08 UTC
Duration on Salyut 4: 28d 4h 43min
Landing: February 9, 1975, 11:03:22 UTC
Landing place: 110 km northeast of Zelinograd
Flight duration: 29d 13h 19min 45s
Earth orbits: 479
Rotation time : 88.8 min
Apogee : 249 km
Perigee : 185 km
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Soyuz 16
Soyuz 18-1

Soyuz 17 is the mission designation for the flight of a Soviet Soyuz spacecraft to the Soviet space station Salyut 4, which started on January 10, 1975 . It was the first Soyuz spacecraft visit to this space station and the 32nd flight in the Soviet Soyuz program.


Main crew

Substitute team

The support team consisted of Pyotr Klimuk and Vitaly Sevastyanov .

Mission overview

The focus of the work was on astronomical and astrophysical investigations. The mirror of the main solar observation instrument had to be recoated.

The orbit height of Salyut 4 was about 350 km above the earth (favorable in terms of astronomical observations), therefore maneuvers to approach the station were necessary.

With a flight duration of 29 days, a new Soviet long-term record was set. In contrast, the Americans had spent almost three months in a space station with Skylab 4 .

See also

Web links