Soyuz TMA-22

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Mission emblem
Mission emblem
Mission dates
Mission: Soyuz TMA-22
COSPAR-ID : 2011-067A
Spacecraft: Soyuz 7K-STMA ( GRAY index  11F732)
serial number 232
Launcher: Soyuz FG (GRAY index 11A511FG)
Call sign: Астрей (" Astraios ")
Crew: 3
Begin: November 14, 2011, 4:14:03 UTC
Starting place: Baikonur 1/5
Space station: ISS
Docking place: Poisk
Coupling: November 16, 2011, 5:24 UTC
Decoupling: April 27, 2012, 8:18 UTC
Duration on the ISS : 163d 2h 54min
Landing: April 27, 2012, 11:45 UTC
Landing place: 88 kilometers north-northeast of Arkalyk , Kazakhstan
50 ° 57 ′  N , 67 ° 10 ′  E
Flight duration: 165d 7h 31min
Team photo
v.  l.  To the right: Anatoli Iwanischin, Anton Schkaplerow and Daniel Burbank
v. l. To the right: Anatoli Iwanischin, Anton Schkaplerow and Daniel Burbank
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Soyuz TMA-02M
Soyuz TMA-03M

Soyuz TMA-22 is a mission name for the flight of the Russian spacecraft Soyuz to the International Space Station (ISS). As part of the ISS program, the flight is designated ISS AF-28S. It was the 28th visit by a Soyuz spacecraft to the ISS and the 134th flight in the Soyuz program. The mission was the last flight of the Soyuz TMA spaceship of the older design using analog computers . With the Soyuz TMA-03M qualification flight , the redesigned successor with digital technology went into normal operating mode after two test flights.


Main crew

Substitute team

Mission history

Start in heavy snowfall

The launch was originally planned for September 22, 2011. After the third stage of a Soyuz missile misfired on August 24, the mission was first rescheduled to late October or early November in order to conduct two unmanned test flights. The launch finally took place on November 14, 4:14 UTC in heavy snowstorms from launch pad 1 of the Baikonur spaceport .

After more than two days of flight, the Soyuz reached the International Space Station at the Poisk docking module on November 16, 2011, nine minutes earlier than planned . The Soyuz spaceship replaced the Soyuz TMA-21 as an escape pod.

The crew of the ISS Expeditions 29 and 30 should remain on the ISS until March 16, 2012, however, was with the tightness test in Energija -Werk Korolev , the re-entry capsule of the Soyuz TMA-04M -Raumschiffs badly damaged. It was decided to scrap the entire spaceship and to accelerate the refurbishment of the spaceship originally intended for Soyuz TMA-05M . As a result, the start of Soyuz TMA-04M was postponed to May 15, 2012, and ISS Expedition 30 was extended until the end of April 2012.

On April 27, 2012 at 8:18 UTC Soyuz TMA-22 undocked with Shkaplerov, Ivanishin and Burbank on board. This marked the start of Expedition 31 on the ISS with Oleg Kononenko as commander. The brake ignition was initiated at 10:49 UTC, at 11:21 UTC the landing capsule entered the dense layers of the atmosphere. The braking parachute was activated at a height of 10.7 kilometers, and the huge white and orange-striped main parachute unfolded at a height of about 8 kilometers. The landing finally took place at 11:45 UTC almost 90 kilometers northeast of Arkalyk on a field in the steppe of Kazakhstan.

Because of the strong wind, however, the crew capsule landed on its side, which led NASA commentator Rob Navias to the laconic remark that this was "not uncommon".

See also

Web links

Commons : Soyuz TMA-22  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. rka statistics - Soyuz program
  2. Позывные экипажей советских / российских космических кораблей., January 29, 2011, accessed February 17, 2011 (Russian).
  3. a b Spaceship Soyuz TMA-22 launched with three space travelers to the ISS. In: Sputnik News. RIA Novosti, November 14, 2011, accessed November 14, 2011 .
  4. a b Three men fly Soyuz capsule to space from snowy pad. SPACEFLIGHT NOW, November 14, 2011, accessed November 14, 2011 .
  5. a b ISS On-Orbit Status 11/15/11. NASA , November 15, 2011, accessed September 28, 2014 .
  6. Soyuz spacecraft TMA-22 docked at the ISS. In: Sputnik News. RIA Novosti, November 16, 2011, accessed November 16, 2011 .
  7. Pete Harding: Soyuz TMA-22 returns to Earth with three outbound ISS crewmembers., April 27, 2007, accessed April 27, 2007 .
  8. Mike Suffredini: International Space Station Program Status , September 13, 2010 (PDF; 2.91 MB, English).
  9. ^ Yembrick, Cloutier-Lemasters: NASA and its International Partners Assign Space Station Crews. NASA, October 7, 2009, accessed February 17, 2011 .
  10. New ISS mission postponed until October. In: Sputnik News. RIA Novosti, August 29, 2011, accessed August 30, 2011 .
  11. Soyuz capsule successfully docks at the ISS at Berliner Morgenpost, November 16, 2011
  12. Robert Pearlman: Soyuz TMA-04M launch reset for May 15.collectSPACE, February 2, 2012, accessed on March 23, 2012 .
  13. ^ William Harwood: Russia orders Soyuz delays in wake of test mishap., February 2, 2012, accessed March 23, 2012 .
  14. Expedition 30. NASA, accessed on April 6, 2012 (English).
  15. ^ Gerhard Kowalski: Stable lateral position - Soyuz spaceship landed safely in Kazakhstan. April 27, 2012, accessed February 2, 2012 .