GRAY index

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Coat of arms of the Ministry of Defense's Headquarters for Missiles and Artillery

The GRAU index (until 1960 GAU index) is a designation system for weapons, ammunition and equipment that have been used in the land forces of the Soviet army or are used in the land forces of the Russian armed forces . This index was originally issued by the Ministry of Defense's Headquarters for Missiles and Artillery (GRAU; Russian Главное ракетно-артиллерийское управление МО , ГРАУ ). The index is now also used by the Missile Armament Administration (Управление ракетного вооружения) of the Strategic Missile Forces and the Headquarters of the Space Forces . The administration of missile weapons and artillery of the naval war fleet and the administration of weapons of the air force use similarly structured indices.

The NATO used its own for Soviet weapons systems Identification System . Due to the limited information available for NATO, the NATO code name cannot always be clearly assigned to the GRAU index.


The first index was introduced by the then Artillery Headquarters (Главное артиллерийское управление Министерства обороны - ГАУ) in 1938. The aim was to record and categorize the various weapons, ammunition and items of equipment. The individual weapons, ammunition and pieces of equipment were named after the department of the GAU that was responsible for them. In detail, the GAU consisted of the following departments:

  • 51 - military equipment
  • 52 - Artillery materials management
  • 53 - Artillery ammunition, ammunition for grenade launchers and mines, including detonators and packaging
  • 54 - Artillery propellants and their components and packaging
  • 55 - Air Force bombs
  • 56 - infantry weapons
  • 57 - infantry ammunition

In 1960, the GAU was restructured into the Ministry of Defense's headquarters for missiles and artillery. The reason for the organizational changes were the numerous new weapon systems. On the one hand, their large number required a change in organizational structures; on the other hand, these weapons systems were increasingly complex. While in the 1930s and 1940s it was easy to differentiate between the actual weapon and associated ammunition and target devices, launch vehicles, radio measuring and computing devices and a variety of support vehicles were now added. These could not, or only with difficulty, be managed with the system used to date. From 1956 the main administration was divided into six departments:

  • 1 - optical and radio measuring devices, steering systems
  • 2 - artillery weapons and grenade launchers
  • 3 - artillery ammunition
  • 4 - Propellant charges for artillery ammunition
  • 6 - infantry weapons
  • 7 - infantry ammunition.

The establishment of new armed forces, but also the increasingly complex armament and equipment required an expansion of the index. The newly developed missile systems were originally assigned to Department 2 - artillery weapons and grenade launchers, launch ramps and vehicles also to Department 2, and missiles and missiles to Department 3 - artillery ammunition. Division 9 was later formed for the missile systems of the land forces. Weapons already in the index were not re-classified if they had already been included in the armament of the Soviet Army. However, newly developed equipment for these weapons has been placed in the new index.

The Air Defense Weapons Administration (Управление Вооружения Войск ПВО) assigned the systems, weapons and equipment under its responsibility to Division 5. The Missile Armament Administration of the Strategic Missile Forces initially used Department 8 to categorize the systems, weapons and equipment they were responsible for. With the establishment of the Space Forces, Department 11 was set up for their headquarters and later expanded to include Departments 14 and 17, while the Administration of missile armament of the strategic missile troops classified their systems, weapons and equipment in Division 15. The index 15 is currently used by the strategic missile forces and the indexes 14 and 17 are used by the space forces.

The indices of the administration of missile weapons and artillery of the Soviet naval fleet and the administration of weapons of the Soviet air force follow the same principle and have a similar structure, but in some cases have a very different meaning, which often leads to misunderstandings and confusion.

Allocation of the indices

The index was awarded until 1960 with the inclusion of weapons, ammunition and equipment in the armament of the Soviet Army. Prototypes and pre-series samples were not given an index.

From 1960, the index with the technical task for the prototype was assigned. That is why systems that have not been included in the armament of the Soviet Army have a corresponding index. Systems whose development was discontinued before the prototypes were built do not have a GRAU index and only have a factory designation.

Structure of the indices

GAU index (until 1960)

The names have the form <number> <letter> <number> with the optional suffix <letter> <number> . The first two-digit group of numbers designates the department of the GAU that managed the weapons system. The code letter denoted the purpose or structure. The following three-digit number group describes properties such as caliber, size and weight in ascending order. An identical number or a range of numbers was assigned for devices belonging to different usage groups. The suffix can denote

  • Modernizations - suffix M
  • constructive features, e.g. B. A for cast steel

Example: 56-А-231 is the 7.62 mm Simonov carbine . It stands

  • 56 for Division 56 - Infantry Weapons
  • A for automatic and self-loading firearms
  • 231 for belonging to the system 7.62 mm carabiner Simonow, tools, accessories, ammunition etc. developed for the 7.62 mm carabiner Simonow received this number.

The corresponding cartridge received the index 57-N-231 (57-Н-231). It stands

  • 57 for Division 57 - Infantry Ammunition
  • N for cartridge in standard design (combat kit)
  • 231 for belonging to the Simonow 7.62 mm carbine system

GRAY index (from 1960)

The designations have the form <number> <letter> <number> with the optional suffix <letter> <number> . The first group of numbers designates the GRAU department that managed the weapons system. The code letter denoted the purpose or structure. The following group of numbers was assigned in ascending order within the purpose. The suffix M denotes a modernization, further modernizations are indicated by appended numbers in ascending order.

Example: 2P1 is the launch complex of the 2K1 Mars tactical missile complex . It stands

  • 2 for Division 2 - Artillery Weapons and Missile Systems of the Land Forces
  • P for the purpose of missile launchers
  • 1 for the serial number (the missile complex was the first tactical missile complex developed in the Soviet Union)

The launch pad of the weapon system received the index 2P2, the transport and loading vehicle received the index 2P3 and the weapon system as a whole received the index 2K1.

Equipment that belonged together could no longer be recognized in this system. The Schmel anti-tank missile complex received the index 2K15, the launch vehicle the index 2P25 and the associated missile the index 3M6. Since at the end of the 1950s / beginning of the 1960s components of a weapon system were commissioned and developed separately from one another, the order of the second group of numbers for the components can be different. The Falanga anti-tank missile complex received the index 2K8, the launch vehicle the index 2P32 and the associated missile the index 3M11.

Index of Administration Arms of Air Defense

The structure corresponds to the GRAU index (from 1960), the first digit is always a 5 .

Missile Weapons and Artillery Administration Index of the Naval Navy

The designations always have the form <number> <letter> <number> . The first two departments, where the first part consists of a combination of letter and number, are an exception. The first group of the index also identifies the department here, but the meaning differs from the GRAU index:

  • A3 - artillery ammunition
  • A4 - artillery propellant charges
  • 3 - guided missile weapon systems
  • 4 - guided missile weapon systems

The code letter denoted the purpose or structure. The following group of numbers denotes properties such as caliber, size and weight in ascending order. If possible, devices belonging to different usage groups were assigned an identical number or the devices were assigned to a number block. The suffix M denotes modernizations, further modernizations are identified by appended numbers in ascending order.

Example: the submarine-based ballistic missile R-29 received the index 4К-75. It stands

  • 4 for Division 4 - guided missile weapon systems
  • K for guided weapon
  • 75 for construction work.

The associated engine has the designation 4D-75 (4Д-75) in the first stage, the designation 4D-76 (4Д-76) in the second stage.

Index of Administration Arms of the Air Force

Until the mid-1950s, the Air Force Arms Administration used a system that corresponded to the GAU index. However, the first group of numbers consisted of only one instead of two digits. However, the meaning of the digits differed from the GAU index, so dropped ammunition was classified in divisions 7 and 8. The index was changed from the mid-1950s. The designations always have the form <number> <letter> <number> . The first number is always a 9. For weapon systems the letter A is assigned, components of the weapon system are given consecutive letters. The last group of numbers is the same for the weapon system and its components.

Other designation systems

There are several different names for Soviet and Russian weapon systems. In addition to the manufacturer's designation, which is often assigned to a flying device, an industrial name and often a service designation are assigned for use in non-secret correspondence. Older weapon systems have a factory index under which the weapon system was listed before a GAU or GRAU index was added. There are other, different designation systems for armored vehicles and motor vehicles.


  • The S-25 air defense complex anti-aircraft missile is known as
    • W-300 (service name)
    • "Product 205" ( isdelije 205 , industrial name)
    • 5W7 (GRAY index)
    • Lavochkin La-205 (manufacturer name).


GAU index (until 1960)

51 - military equipment

51-А (51-A) - fire control devices
51-В (51-W) - measuring devices
51-И (51-I) - Tools and accessories
51-ИК (51-IK) - infrared devices
51-ОМ (51-OM) - optical devices
51-РЛ (51-RL) - radars
51-Я (51-Ja) - packaging
51-OM (51-OM) - laser optics

52 - Artillery materials management

52-Г (52-G) - howitzers
52-ГС (52-GS) - self-propelled howitzers
52-Ж (52- Sch) - vessels and containers
52-З (52-S) - caissons
52-И (52-I) - tools
52-ИТ (52-IT) - tools for armored cannons
52-ИЦ (52-IZ) - tools for mechanical sights
52-Л (52-L) - mounts
52-Л (52-L) - mounts for tank guns
52-М (52-M) - grenade launcher
52-П (52-P) cannons
52-ПК (52-PK) - casemate cannons
52-ПС (52-PS) - self-propelled cannons
52-ПТ (52-PK) - tank cannons
52-Р (52-R) - splurge
52-У (52-U) mountings
52-Ф (52-F) - transportation equipment
52-Х (52-Ch) - interchangeable tubes
52-Ц (52-Z) - mechanical sights
52-ЭТ (52-ET) - directional drives for armored cannons
52-Я (52-Ja) - packaging

53 - Artillery ammunition, ammunition for grenade launchers and mines, including detonators and packaging

53-А (53-A) - agitation bullets
53-Б (53-B) - armor-piercing incendiary ammunition
53-БЗР (53-BSR) - armor-piercing incendiary ammunition with tracer
53-БК (53-BK) - shaped charge ammunition
53-БП (53-BP) - shaped charge ammunition
53-БР (53-BR) - armor-piercing ammunition with a tracer
53-В (53-W) - igniter for
53-ВА (53-WA) - ammunition with a separate charge for group 53-A
53-ВБ (53-WB) - ammunition with a separate charge of group 53-B
53-ВБК (53-WBK) - ammunition with a separate charge of group 53-BK
53-ВБП (53-WBK) - ammunition with a separate charge of group 53-BP
53-ВБР (53-WBR) - ammunition with a separate charge of group 53-BR
53-ВГ (53-WG) - ammunition with a separate charge of group 53-G
53-ВД (53-WD) - ammunition with a separate charge of group 53-D
53-ВЗ (53-WZ) - ammunition with a separate charge of group 53-Z
53-ВО (53-WO) - ammunition with a separate charge of group 53-O
53-ВОФ (53-WOF) - ammunition with a separate charge of group 53-OF
53-ВОХ (53-WOCh) - ammunition with a separate charge of group 53-OCh
53-ВС (53-WS) - ammunition with a separate charge of group 53-S
53-ВФ (53-WF) - ammunition with a separate charge of group 53-F
53-ВХ (53-WCh) - ammunition with a separate charge of group 53-Ch
53-ВХН (53-WChN) - ammunition with a separate charge of group 53-ChN
53-ВХС (53-WChS) - ammunition with a separate charge of group 53-ChS
53-ВШ (53-WSch) - ammunition with a separate charge of group 53-sht
53-Г (53-G) - grenades penetrating concrete
53-Д (53-D) - smoke ammunition
53-ДЦ (53-DZ) - ammunition for target assignment
53-Ж (53-Sch) - dismantling loads
53-З (53-S) - incendiary ammunition
53-ЗР (53-SR) - incendiary ammunition with tracer
53-И (53-I) - tools
53-М (53-M) - mechanical distance detonators
53-О (53-O) - fragmentation ammunition
53-ОЗР (53-OSR) - fragmentation incendiary ammunition with tracer
53-ОР (53-OR) - fragmentation ammunition with tracer
53-ОФ (53-OF) - fragmentation ammunition
53-ОХ (53-OCh) - fragmentation ammunition with a chemical charge
53-П (53-P) - training ammunition
53-ПБР (53-PBR) - armor-piercing training ammunition with a tracer
53-ПУ (53-PU) - training practice ammunition
53-Р (53-R) - tracer ammunition
53-С (53-S) - luminous projectiles
53-Т (53-T) - distance detonator with a powder charge
53-У (53-U) - cartridge ammunition (grenade cartridges)
53-УБ (53-UB) - cartridge ammunition (grenade cartridges) of group B
53-УБК (53-UBK) - cartridges (grenade cartridges) of group BK
53-УБП (53-UBP) - cartridges (grenade cartridges) of the group BP
53-УБР (53-UBR) - cartridge ammunition (grenade cartridges) of group BR
53-УД (53-UD) - cartridge ammunition (grenade cartridges) of group D
53-УЗ (53-US) - cartridge ammunition (grenade cartridges) of group Z
53-УЗР (53-USR) - cartridges (grenade cartridges) of the ZR group
53-УО (53-UO) - cartridges (shell cartridges) of group O
53-УОЗР (53-UOSR) - cartridge ammunition (grenade cartridges) of the OZR group
53-УОР (53-UOR) - cartridges (shell cartridges) of the OR group
53-УОФ (53-UOF) - cartridges (shell cartridges) of the OF group
53-УОХ (53-UOCh) - cartridge ammunition (grenade cartridges) of the OCh group
53-УП (53-UP) - cartridge ammunition (grenade cartridges) of group P
53-УПБР - cartridge ammunition (grenade cartridges) of the PBR group
53-УФ (53-UF) - cartridge ammunition (grenade cartridges) of group F
53-УШ (53-USch) - cartridge ammunition (grenade cartridges) of the Scht group
53-УЩ (53-USchtsch) - cartridges (shell cartridges) of the Shch group
53-Ф (53-F) - HE shells
53-Х (53-Ch) - chemical grenades (warfare agent)
53-ХН (53-ChN) - chemical grenades with unstable warfare agent
53-ХС (53-ChS) - chemical grenades with a stable weapon
53-ЧР (53-TschR) markings
53-Ш (53-Sch) - Shrapnel
53-Щ (53-Shch) - grapes
53-Я (53-Ja) - ammunition packaging

56 - infantry weapons

56-А (56-A) - automatic and semi- automatic weapons
56-В (56-W) - rifles and shotguns
56-Г (56-G) - grenade launchers and mortars
56-Ж (56-Sch) - Magazines and ammunition containers
56-ЖЛ (56-SchL) - belt boxes
56-ЗТ (56-ST) - anti-aircraft mounts
56-И (56-I) - Tools and accessories
56-ИР (56-IR) - sets
56-Л (56-L) - cartridge belts
56-М (56-M) magazines
56-Н (56-N) - pistols (without self-loading) and revolvers
56-П (56-P) - machine guns
56-Р (56-R) - portable machine guns
56-Т (56-T) - mountings
56-У (56-U) - mounts
56-Х (56-Ch) - Edged weapons
56-Ч (56-Tsch) - auxiliary devices
56-Ш (56-Sch) - bags, belts, holsters
56-Ю (56-Ju) accessories
56-ЮЛ (56-JuL) - loading machines
56-Я (56-Ja) - packaging for infantry weapons

57 - infantry ammunition

57-Б (57-B) - cartridges with armor-piercing projectiles
57-БЗ (57-BS) - cartridge with armor piercing incendiary
57-БЗТ (57-BST) - cartridges with armor-piercing incendiary projectiles with tracer
57-БТ (57-BT) - cartridges with armor-piercing projectiles with tracer
57-Г (57-G) - hand grenades
57-ГК (57-GK) - hand grenades with a hollow charge
57-ГО (57-GO) - reactive HE shells
57-ГУ (57-GU) - training hand grenades
57-Д (57-D) - cartridges with long-range projectiles
57-Ж (57-Sch) - fuses for grenades
57-З (57-S) - cartridges with incendiary bullets
57-ЗП (57-SP) - cartridges with tracer bullets for target assignment
57-К (57-K) - detonators
57-Н (57-N) - normalized cartridges (combat set)
57-О (57-O) - holder
57-П (57-P) - targeting cartridges
57-СД (57-SD) - signal cartridges day
57-СН (57-SN) - signal cartridges night
57-Т (57-T) - cartridges with tracer bullets
57-У (57-U) - cartridges with increased charge or for increased charge pressure
57-Х (57-Ch) - blank cartridges
57-Ч (57-Tsch) - exercise cartridges
57-Я (57-ja) - packaging

GRAY index (from 1960)

1 - Optical and radar devices, steering devices

1А (1A) - fire control equipment and systems
1Б (1B) - measuring sensors and devices
1В (1W) - management equipment, computing devices
1Г (1G) - gyroscopic devices
1Д (1D) laser
1И (1I) - tools and accessories
1К (1K) complexes
1Л (1L) - radar stations
1Н (1N) - observation devices
1-ОД (1-OD) - optical rangefinder
1-ОН (1-ON) - optical observation devices
1-ОП (1-OP) - optical sights
1П (1P) - visors
1ПЗ (1PS) - anti-aircraft sights
1ПН (1PN) - night vision devices
1Р (1R) - means of repair and maintenance
1РЛ (1RL) - radar stations
1РС (1RS) - fire control radars
1С (1S) - self-propelled radar stations
1СБ (1SB) - airborne missile systems
1Т (1T) - topographic devices
1ТПП (1TPP) - teleoptic sights
1У (1U) - training device
1Э (1E) - devices for electrical energy supply

2 - Artillery weapons and missile systems of the land forces

2А (2A) - cannons, howitzers and salute guns
2Б (2B) - grenade and projectile launchers
2В (2W) - control and testing devices
2Г (2G) - missile refueling devices
2И (2I) - tools and accessories
2К (2K) - missile and guided missile complexes
2Л (2L) mounts
2П (2P) - missile launchers
2С (2S) - self-propelled artillery guns
2Т (2T) - transport equipment for missile complexes
2У (2U) - educational means
2Ф (2F) - transport equipment for artillery
2Х (2Ch) - fire preparation equipment
2Ц (2Z) - mechanical visors
2Ш (2Sch) covers and containers
2Э (2E) - directional drives
2Я (2Yes) - packaging

3 - Artillery ammunition and missiles of the land forces

3А (3A) - agitation ammunition
3БВ (3BW) - nuclear ammunition
3БК (3BK) - armor-piercing shaped charge ammunition
3БМ (3BM) - sub-caliber armor-piercing ammunition
3БП (3BP) - armor-piercing incendiary ammunition
3БР (3BR) - armor-piercing ammunition with a tracer
3В (3W) - detonator
3ВА (3WA) - fuse for ammunition of group A
3ВБВ (3WBV) - fuse for ammunition of group BV
3ВБК (3WBK) - detonators for ammunition of group BK
3ВБМ (3WBM) - fuse for ammunition of group BM
3ВБП (3WBP) - fuse for ammunition of group BM
3ВБР (3WBP) - fuse for ammunition of group BR
3ВГ (3WG) - concrete-breaking grenades
3M (3M) guided missile (example: 3M80 mosquito )

4 - Artillery propellant charges

Incomplete listing

4G (4G) cartridges
4С (4S) - solid rocket engines and reactive armor

6 - infantry weapons

6Б (6B) - personal protective equipment
6В (6W) - rifles
6Г (6G) - grenade launcher
6Ж (6Sch) - cartridge pouches
6И (6I) - tools
6Л (6L) - belts, magazines and cartridge cases
6П (6P) - rifle weapons
6С (6S) - rifle weapon complexes
6Т (6T) - mounts for firearms
6У (6U) - mountings
6Х (6Ch) - Edged weapons
6Ц (6Z) visors
6Ч (6Tsch) - auxiliary equipment
6Ш (6Sch) - bags, belts, holsters, transport vests
6Ю (6Ju) accessories
6Я (6Yes) - packaging

7 - ammunition for infantry weapons

7БЗ (7WS) - cartridges with armor-piercing incendiary projectiles
7БТ (7BT) - cartridges with armor-piercing incendiary projectiles and tracer
7В (7W) - detonator for grenades
7Г (7G) grenades
7Ж (7Sch) - fuses for grenades
7-З (7-S) - cartridges with incendiary bullets
7-ЗП (7-SP) - cartridges with incendiary projectiles and tracer
7К (7K) - detonators
7КВ (7KW) - primer
7Н (7N) - normalized cartridges (combat set)
7П (7P) - grenade launcher ammunition
7С (7S) - signal ammunition
7Т (7T) - tracer ammunition
7У (7U) - cartridges with reduced muzzle velocity
7Х (7Ch) - blank cartridges, training ammunition
7Щ (7Shch) - special ammunition
7Я (7Yes) - packaging

8 - missiles of the strategic missile forces

8А (8A) - ballistic missiles and carriers
8Д (8D) - rocket motors
8К (8K) - ballistic missiles and carriers:
8K6: missiles of the OKB-586
8K7: missiles of the OKB-1
8K8: missiles of the OKB-52
8K9: solid rockets
8П (8P) - starting complexes:
8P7: underground
8P8: above ground
8С (8S) - rocket stages ( Soyuz rocket )
8Ф (8F) - warheads

9 - Land Forces missiles

9А (9A) - combat vehicles of missile complexes
9Б (9B) - steering systems
9В (9W) - control and testing equipment
9Г (9G) - missile refueling devices
9Д (9D) - rocket motors
9И (9I) - Energy supply systems for the missile complexes
9К (9K) - missile complexes
9М (9M) - guided missile
9Н (9N) - warheads
9П (9P) - starting devices
9С (9S) - steering devices
9Т (9T) - transportation equipment
9Ф (9F) - training device
9Х (9Ch) - solid fuel motors, flares, dismantling charges
9Ш (9Sch) - optical visors
9Э (9E) - Auxiliary equipment, homing heads
9Я (9Yes) - packaging

11 - Space Forces missiles

Incomplete listing

11A (11A) - launchers (11A51 is the heavy launch vehicle N1 , 11A511 is the Soyuz rocket )
11Г (11G) - missile refueling equipment (11G12 is a fuel refueling station)
11Д (11D) - rocket motors (11D43 is the liquid-fuel rocket motor RD-253 of the first stage of the Proton rocket )
11К (11K) launchers (11K25 is the heavy launch vehicle for RKK Energija )
11М (11M) - on-board equipment for spaceships and satellites (11M243 is the solar cell actuator of the 11F624 Jantar 2K satellite)
11П (11P) - launch complexes and ground equipment (11P825 is the launch complex for 11K25)
11P - ground equipment
11P8 - aboveground launch complexes
11С (11S) - rocket stages and boosters (11S59 is the first and second stages of the Soyuz rocket )
11Ф (11F) satellite (11F67 Molnija-1 is a telecommunications satellite, 11F732 is the modern Soyuz spacecraft , 11F35K1 is the first Buran space shuttle)

14 - Missile and space technology of the space forces

Incomplete listing

14Д (14D) - rocket engines (14D30 is the liquid fuel rocket motor S5.98M for Bris )
14И (14I) - Tools and accessories (14I02 is a ground equipment part of the 8P882 system for Bris )
14П (14P) - launch complexes and ground equipment (14P72 is the service complex for Bris )
14С (14S) - rocket stages and boosters (14S12 is a booster for Bris )
14Т (14T) - transport equipment (14T81 is storage equipment for Bris )
14Ф (14F) - satellites (14F10 is the defense satellite IS-MU Narjad)

15 - Missile and space technology of the strategic missile forces

15А (15A) - ballistic missile with liquid propulsion (15A15 is SS-17 Spanker)
15Б (15B) - on-board systems of the missiles
15В (15W) - Command and communication systems of the Strategic Missile Forces
15Г (15G) - refueling equipment
15Д (15D) - rocket engines
15Ж (15Sch) - Ballistic missiles with solid propulsion (15Sch45 is SS-20 )
15И (15I) - tools and devices
15K - exercise equipment
15Л (15L) - on-board units of the missile control systems
15Н (15N) - ground equipment (command and control vehicles)
15П (15P) - missile launch and technical complexes
15P0 - missile silo
15P1 - Movable missile complex with launch ramps and silos (15P653 - RK PIONER UTTCh missile complex with the 15Zh53 missile)
15P2 - Technical Complexes
15P6 - Movable missile complexes with silo launch facilities
15P7 - silo starting systems
15P8 - above-ground launch complexes
15P9 - Railroad-based missile complex (BShKR complex with the RT-23 UTTCh / 15Sh61 missile)
15Р (15P) - systems for supplying electrical power to the Strategic Missile Forces
15С (15S) - rocket stages
15Т (15T) - transport equipment (15T284M - tractor MAZ-547Ae with additional power supply for the transport container of the rocket 15A14 of the RK SS-18 SATAN )
15У (15U) - starting equipment
15Ф (15F) warheads
15Х (15Ch) - propellant charges of the solid propellants
15Ш (15Sch) - Optical alignment systems
15Э (15E) - Command and communication systems
15Я (15Yes) - Transport and start containers as well as packaging

17 - Missile and space technology of the space forces

Incomplete listing

17Д (17D) - various rocket motors (17D58Ae is the stabilization and position control engine of the Bris-M stage)
17К (17K) - space systems (17K114 is a space-based reconnaissance and targeting system)
17П (17P) - ground equipment (17P31 is launch system for 11K25)
17С (17S) - rocket stages and boosters (17S40 is the unit D of the Proton launcher)
17У (17U) - starting devices (17U551 is a test complex for the Bris-M stage)
17Ф (17F) satellites (17F15 Raduga-1 is a telecommunications satellite)

Index of Administration Arms of Air Defense

5Б (5B) - warheads for anti-aircraft missiles (5B18 is the warhead of the V-601 anti-aircraft missile of the S-125 air defense complex)
5В (5W) - anti-aircraft missile (5V55 is the anti-aircraft missile of the S-300 air defense system)
5Э (5E) computer (5Ae26 is a special multi- CPU computer with 1.5 MIPS performance)
5П (5P) - anti-aircraft missile launch pad (5P75 is the quadruple launch pad of the S-125 air defense complex)
5Я (5Yes) - anti-aircraft missile (5Ya23 is an anti-aircraft missile of the S-75 air defense complex)

Missile Weapons and Artillery Administration Index of the Naval Navy (URAW WMF Index)

Division A3 - Artillery Ammunition

А3-Б (A3-B) - armor-piercing projectiles
А3-БР (A3-BR) - armor-piercing projectiles with tracer
А3-ВГ (A3-WG) - head detonator
А3-ДГ (A3-DG) - projectiles with distance fuses (flak)
А3-ДС (A3-DS) - long-range projectiles
А3-ЗЖ (A3-SSch) - incendiary bullets
А3-ЗП (A3-SP) - anti-aircraft training bullets
А3-ЗС (A3-SS) - anti-aircraft bullets
А3-Н (A3-N) - underwater projectiles for surface guns
А3-ОГ (A3-OG) - fragmentation grenades
А3-ОЗР (A3-OSR) - fragmentation incendiary grenades with tracer
А3-ОПС (A3-OPS) - training fragmentation grenades
А3-ОР (A3-OR) - fragmentation grenades with tracer
А3-ОФ (A3-OF) - fragmentation shells
А3-ПБ (A3-PB) - semi-armor-piercing projectiles
А3-ПС (A3-PS) - training bullets
А3-ПСР (A3-PSR) - training bullets with a tracer
А3-ПТСТ (A3-PTST) - reactive projectiles with heat decoys with parachute
А3-РП (A3-RP) - reactive projectiles with a radar swap body
А3-СБ (A3-SB) - flares without a parachute
А3-СГ (A3-SG) - deep-water projectiles
А3-СК (A3-SK) - bullets for combined interference
А3-СМЗ (A3-SMS) - bullets for creating fog curtains
А3-СО (A3-SO) - optical decoys
А3-СП (A3-SP) - parachute flares
А3-СПС (A3-SPS) - special training ammunition
А3-СР… - снаряды радиолокационных помех
А3-Т (A3-T) - distance detonator with a powder charge
А3-ТС (A3-TS) - thermobaric bullets
А3-ТСО (A3-TSO) - reactive projectiles for disturbances in the visible range
А3-ТСП (A3-TSP) - reactive projectiles for passive radar interference
А3-ТСТ (A3-TST) - reactive projectiles with heat decoys
А3-ТСТВ (A3-TSTW) - reactive projectiles for television interference
А3-УБР (A3-UBR) - grenade cartridges for group BR bullets
А3-УЖП (A3-USchP) - grenade cartridges for incendiary projectiles
А3-УЖР (A3-USchR) - grenade cartridges
А3-УЗС (A3-USS) - grenade cartridges for group SS projectiles
А3-УЗСБ (A3-USSB) - grenade cartridges for projectiles of the SS group with combat charges
А3-УОЗР (A3-UOSR) - grenade cartridges for bullets of the OSR group
А3-УОР (A3-UOR) - grenade cartridges for bullets of the OR group
А3-УОФ (A3-UOF) - grenade cartridges for projectiles of group OF
А3-УОФБ (A3-UOFB) - grenade cartridges for projectiles of group OF with combat charges
А3-УПС (A3-UPS) - grenade cartridges for bullets of group PS
А3-УПСБ (A3-UPCB) - grenade cartridges for BS group bullets with combat charges
А3-УФ (A3-UF) - grenade cartridges for Group F bullets
А3-УФБ (A3-UFB) - grenade cartridges for group F projectiles with combat charges
А3-УФЗ (A3-UFS) - grenade cartridges for FZ group bullets
А3-УХ (A3-UCh) - maneuver cartridges
А3-УЧ (A3-UTsch) - grenade cartridges (practice ammunition)
А3-Ф (A3-F) - HE shells
А3-ФЗ (A3-FS) - high-explosive incendiary grenades
А3-Ш (A3-Sch) - shrapnel
А3-Я (A3-yes) - packaging

Department A4 - Propellant charges for artillery ammunition

А4-АБ (A4-AB) - charges for use in cartridges
А4-АСБ (A4-ASB) - special charges for use in cartridges (for flares without a parachute)
А4-АУМ (A4-AUM) - reduced charges for use in cartridges
А4-ЗБ (A4-SB) - charges in cartridges
А4-ЗДС (A4-SDS) - charges in cartridges for long-range projectiles
А4-ЗПБ (A4-SPB) - reduced charges in cartridges
А4-ЗСБ (A4-SSB) - special charges in cartridges for flares without a parachute
А4-ЗСН (A4-SSN) - special charges in cartridges for underwater projectiles
А4-ЗСП (A4-SSP) - special charges in cartridges for parachute flares
А4-ЗУБ (A4-SUB) - reinforced charges in cartridges
А4-ЗУМ (A4-SUM) - reduced charges in cartridges
А4-ЖБ (A4-SchB) - charges in cartridges
А4-ЖСБ (A4-SchSB) - special charges in cartridges for flares without a parachute
А4-ЖУМ (A4-ShUM) - reduced charges in metal cartridges
А4-ФЛ (A4-FL) - phlegmatizers

Division 3 - guided missiles

3А (3A) - navigation and computing devices for guided missile systems
3Б (3W) - on-board equipment for guided missiles
3В (3W) - igniter for guided missiles
3Г (3G) - warheads for guided missiles
3Д (3D) - Marching engines for guided missiles
3И (3I) - Control and testing equipment for guided missiles
3К (3K) - guided missile complexes
3Л (3L) booster
3М (3M) - guided missiles
3Р (3R) - radars for directing guided missiles
3С (3S) - starting devices
3Ф (3F) - Complex ground-based equipment
3Ц (3Z) - radars for target assignment
3Ч (3Tsch) - optical-electronic target devices
3Ш (3Sch) - propellants for solid rocket motors

Department 4 - guided missiles

4А (4A) - navigation and computing devices for guided weapon systems
4Б (4B) - on-board equipment for guided missiles
4В (4W) - igniter for guided missiles
4Г (4G) - warheads for guided missiles
4Д (4D) - Marching engines for guided missiles
4И (4I) - Control and testing equipment for guided missiles
4Е (4E) - on-board power supply for guided weapons
4К (4K) - guided missiles
4Л (4L) booster
4Р (4R) - radars for directing guided missiles
4С (4S) - starting devices
4Ф (4F) - Complex ground-based equipment
4Ц (4Z) - radars for target assignment
4Ч (4Tsch) - optical-electronic target devices
4Ш (4Sch) - propellants for solid rocket motors

Index of Administration Arms of the Air Force

3-БЗТ (3-BST) - cartridges with armored incendiary projectiles with tracer
3-В (3-W) - detonator
3-Ж (3-Sch) propellant charges
3-ОЗТ (3-OST) - cartridges with fragmentation incendiary projectiles with tracer
4-БЗТ (4-BST) - cartridges with armored incendiary projectiles with tracer
4-Г (4-G) cartridges
4-ОЗТ (4-OST) - cartridges with fragmentation incendiary projectiles with tracer
5-Т (5-T) - barrel rifles for guns
6-Б (6-B) - cartridges with fragmentation incendiary projectiles with tracer
6-Г (6-G) cartridges
6-Ж (6-Sch) propellant charges
6-О (6-O) - cartridges with fragmentation incendiary projectiles with tracer
6-Т (6-T) - flares for ammunition
7-А (7-A) - agitation bombs
7-АС (7-AS) - бомбо-ампульные связки
7-Б (7-B) - armor-piercing aerial bombs
7-БР (7-BR) - armor-piercing aerial bombs
7-БТ (7-BT) - concrete-breaking aerial bombs
7-В (7-W) - detonator
7-Г (7-G) - air grenades
7-З (7-S) - incendiary bombs
7-К (7-K) cassettes (bomblets)
7-Л (7-L) - winches
7-М (7-M) - мостовые авиабомбы, огневые мешки
7-МБ (7-MB) - post-accelerated armor-piercing bombs
7-О (7-O) - fragmentation bombs
7-ОФ (7-OF) - осколочно fragmentation explosive bombs
7-П (7-P) - training ammunition, control panels
7-ПП (7-PP) - pyrotechnic ammunition
7-С (7-S) - light bombs and missiles
7-Т (7-T) - armor-piercing bombs
7-У (7-U) - suspensions for aerial bombs
7-Ф (7-F) - high-explosive bombs
7-Ч (7-Tsch) - bomb locks
7-Ш (7-Sch) - marker bombs, bomb locks
7-Щ (7-shch) - marker bombs for night, cluster bombs
7-Э (7-E) - mechanical suspensions for aerial bombs
7-Я (7-yes) - packaging
8-АА (8-AA) - авиационные ампулы
8-Д (8-D) - smoke bombs
8-З (8-S) - incendiary bombs
8-Ф (8-F) - high-explosive bombs

See also

Web links
