Soyuz TM-3

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Mission emblem
Mission emblem
Mission dates
Mission: Soyuz TM-3
COSPAR-ID : 1987-063A
Spacecraft: Soyuz 7K-ST ( GRAY index  11F732)
serial number 53
Dimensions: 7100 kg
Launcher: Soyuz U2 (GRAY index 11A511U2)
Call sign: Витязь (Vityaz - " knight ")
Crew: 3
Begin: July 22, 1987, 01:59:17  UTC
Starting place: Baikonur 1/5
Space station: Me
Coupling: July 24, 1987, 03:31:23 UTC
Decoupling: December 29, 1987, 05:58:00 UTC
Landing: December 29, 1987, 09:16:15 UTC
Landing place: 140 km NE of Arkalik
Flight duration: 160d 7h 25min 56s
Earth orbits: ≈ 2580
Rotation time : 91.0 min
Apogee : 353 km
Perigee : 297 km
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Soyuz TM-2
Soyuz TM-4

Soyuz TM-3 is the mission name for the flight of a Soviet Soyuz spaceship to the Soviet Mir space station . It was the third visit by a Soyuz spacecraft to the Mir space station and the 79th flight in the Soviet Soyuz program.


Starting crew

Substitute team

Return crew

Mission overview

Extensive experiments on remote sensing of Syria were carried out on board the Mir space station. This included in particular the investigation of possible mineral deposits, the examination of artificial water reservoirs, the determination of the siltation of runoffs, the water quality and the condition of forests and agricultural areas (Euphrates experiment). Further investigations concerned the blood circulation in the body and the study of processes in the upper atmosphere. Alexander Alexandrow then moved to the regular crew due to health problems of Alexander Lawejkin . Viktorenko, Lavejkin and Faris returned to Earth with Soyuz TM-2 .

See also

Web links