Soyuz TMA-01M

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Mission emblem
Mission emblem
Mission dates
Mission: Soyuz TMA-01M
COSPAR-ID : 2010-052A
Spacecraft: Soyuz 7K-STMA-Z ( GRAU index   11F747)
serial number 701
Launcher: Soyuz FG (GRAY index 11A511FG)
Call sign: Ингул (" Ingul ")
Crew: 3
Begin: October 7, 2010, 23:10:55 UTC
Starting place: Baikonur 1/5
Space station: ISS
Docking place: Poisk
Coupling: October 10, 2010, 0:01 UTC
Decoupling: March 16, 2011 4:27 UTC
Duration on the ISS : 157d 4h 26min
Landing: March 16, 2011 7:54 UTC
Landing place: 93 km north of Arkalyk , Kazakhstan
51 ° 3 ′  N , 67 ° 18 ′  E
Flight duration: 159d 8h 43min
Earth orbits: 2509
Team photo
from left: Scott Kelly, Alexander Kaleri, Oleg Skripotschka
from left: Scott Kelly, Alexander Kaleri, Oleg Skripotschka
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Soyuz TMA-19
Soyuz TMA-20

Soyuz TMA-01M is a mission name for the flight of the Russian spacecraft Soyuz to the International Space Station (ISS) . As part of the ISS program, the flight is designated ISS AF-24S. It was the 24th visit by a Soyuz spacecraft to the ISS and the 130th flight in the Soyuz program. For the first time, a Soyuz spaceship with digital control technology was used, which can be operated by just one spaceman . The control of the new technology was tested with the Progress M-01M space transporter in November 2008.


One of the most experienced Russian cosmonauts was selected as the commander for the maiden flight of the new Soyuz type .

Main crew

Substitute team

  • Sergej Volkov , (2nd space flight), commander, (Russia / Roscosmos)
  • Oleg Kononenko , (2nd space flight), flight engineer, (Russia / Roscosmos)
  • Ronald Garan , (2nd spaceflight), flight engineer, (USA / NASA)

Mission overview

This mission brought three crew members from ISS expeditions 25 and 26 to the International Space Station. The Soyuz spaceship replaced the Soyuz TMA-18 as an escape pod.

On March 16, 2011 at 4:27 UTC Soyuz TMA-01M undocked with Kaleri, Skripotschka and Kelly on board. This marked the start of Expedition 27 on the ISS with Dmitri Kondratjew as commander. The brake ignition was initiated at 7:03 UTC. After a normal descent, the crew capsule landed at 7:54 a.m. UTC in the Kazakh steppe 93 km north of Arkalyk . The weather at the landing site was very rough with strong winds and icy temperatures. "You might think that was a scene from the North Pole, " said NASA spokesman Rob Navias about the extreme climatic conditions.

After this flight, Kaleri had spent 769 days in space and was behind Sergei Krikalev in second place in the list of the longest total time in space .

See also

Web links

Commons : Soyuz TMA-01M  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. SiberianTiger: Launch News Soyuz TMA-01M atop Soyuz-FG on October 7, 2010., October 5, 2010, accessed on October 6, 2010 (English).
  2. ^ A b Space Station Report - Mission Status Center. Spaceflight Now, October 9, 2010, accessed October 10, 2010 .
  3. ^ New ISS Crew Passes Preflight Exams. Roscosmos, September 15, 2010, archived from the original on September 29, 2010 ; accessed on September 20, 2010 (English).
  4. Denis Chow: Soyuz capsule lands safely with space station crew. In: NBC News., March 16, 2011, accessed March 16, 2011 .