Iancu Dumitrescu

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Iancu Dumitrescu

Iancu Dumitrescu (born July 15, 1944 in Sibiu ) is a Romanian composer .


Iancu Dumitrescu was the son of the mathematician Maria Dumitrescu and the philosopher Gheorghe T. Dumitrescu. His father was arrested for political reasons in 1949 and was only released after Stalin's death. From 1964 to 1969 Dumitrescu studied at the Ciprian Porumbescu Conservatory . Since the mid-1960s he worked as a music critic, including for the magazine of the Romanian composers' union Luceafărul and for the radio. In 1976 he founded the Hyperion Ensemble , which he led with his wife Ana-Maria Avram and which has since gained an important place in contemporary Romanian music.

From 1978 he was a student of Sergiu Celibidache in Munich. Here he also got to know Edmund Husserl's phenomenology , which he refers to as the philosophical basis of his experimental composition methods. Dumitrescu composed over 130 works. His music is described as acousmatic and spectralistic .


  • Versets I-IX , for solo instrument, 1967
  • Diachronies I for piano, 1967
  • Diachronies II for piano, 1967
  • Diachronies III for piano, 1968
  • Paradigmes I and II for piano, 1967
  • Métamorphoses for clarinet, 1968
  • Alternances I and II for string quartet, 1968
  • Impulse for flute and percussion, 1968–94
  • Sursum corda for chamber choir, 1969
  • Collages for piano, 1969
  • Specters for prepared piano, 1970
  • New Métamorphoses for clarinet, 1970
  • Sound Sculptor I and II for piano, 1970
  • Sonoro I for percussion, 1970
  • Sonoro II for two percussionists, 1970
  • Multiples IV for percussion, 1972
  • Medium I alpha and beta for cello, 1972
  • Longuement sans treve for flute, 1972
  • Eidos for flute, 1972
  • Apogeum I for orchestra, 1973
  • Apogeum II for orchestra, 1973–85
  • Le miroir de Cagliostro for choir, flutes and percussion, 1975
  • Aulodie Mioritica for clarinet, violin, viola, cello and prepared piano, 1975
  • Reliefs for two orchestras and piano, 1975
  • Gestes for piano, 1975
  • Movemur II for cello, 1976
  • Le Jeu de la Genèse for two pianos, 1976
  • Bas-Reliefs symphoniques for large orchestra, 1977
  • Movemur V for Fernando Grillo for double bass, 1978
  • Movemur III for viola, 1978
  • Soliloquium for Vladimir Mendelssohn for viola, 1978
  • Pasărea măiastră - Hommage à Brâncuși for chamber ensembles, 1978
  • Sursum corda for Marin Constantin for chamber choir, 1978
  • Movemur et sumus for three double basses and percussion, 1978
  • Medium III for double bass, 1978-79
  • Orion I-II for three percussionists, 1979
  • Perspectives au Movemur for string quartet, 1979
  • Zenith for percussion, 1980
  • Cogito-trompe l'oeil for prepared piano, two double basses, Javanese gong, crystals and metal objects, 1981
  • Grande ourse for two bassoons, prepared piano, percussion, strings and tape, 1981–82
  • Nimbus I-III for trombone (s), percussion and tape, 1984
  • Aulodie Mioritica for double bass and orchestra, 1984
  • Neptunics I-III for bassoons, contrabassons and percussion, 1985
  • Harryphonie alpha, beta, gamma for double bass, percussion and prepared piano, 1986
  • Harryphonies for large orchestra, 1986
  • Holzwege for Ioan Marius Lacraru for viola, 1987
  • Gnosis for Ion Ghiță for double bass, 1988
  • L'Orbite D'Ouranous (alpha) for oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, prepared piano and reinforced percussion, 1988
  • L'Orbite D'Ouranous (beta) for flute, bass clarinet, prepared piano and reinforced percussion, 1990
  • Nadir for bass saxophone and clarinet, 1990
  • Pierres sacrées for prepared piano and metal objects, 1991
  • Au deà de movemur for string orchestra, 1991
  • Astrée lointaine for wind orchestra, percussion groups, piano and bass saxophone, 1992
  • Clusterum for percussion, 1992
  • Nuits magnétiques for computer sounds , reinforced piano strings and metal objects, 1993
  • L'anneau magique for prepared piano, ensemble, percussion and tape, 1993
  • Clusterum II for percussion, 1994
  • New Galaxy for Harryphonos, percussion and microprocessor, 1994
  • Myth for chamber ensemble, 1994
  • Kronos Holzwege Quartet for string quartet, 1994
  • Fluxus I for large orchestra, 1977
  • Pulsar perdu , computer-aided music, 1995
  • Nouvelle Astrée for large orchestra, 1995
  • Sirius Kronos Quartet for string quartet, 1996
  • Fluxus II for tape and small orchestra, 1997
  • Ouranos I-II for twelve cellos, virtual percussion and tape, 1997
  • Meteors & Pulsars , computer-assisted music, 1998
  • Meteors & Pulsars for percussion instruments and computer-aided music, 1998
  • Étoiles brisées , computer-assisted music, 1998
  • Étoiles brisées II for instruments and computer-aided music, 1998
  • Pulses and Universe reborn , computer-assisted music, 1998
  • Pulses and Universe reborn II for instruments and computer-aided music, 1998
  • Origo for cello, 1998
  • Eon I and II - dans un desordre absolu for computer-aided music, 1998
  • Temps condensés for instruments and computer-aided music, 1999
  • Oiseaux céléstes , computer-aided music, 2000
  • Colossus for orchestra and computer-aided music, 2000
  • Soleil explosant , computer-assisted music, 2000
  • La chute dans le temps I and II for instruments, 2000
  • New Meteors , Computational Music, 2000
  • Objet sonore mysterieux I and II , computer-aided music, 2001
  • Bolids & Contemplations , computer-assisted music, 2002
  • Implosive eternity , computer-aided music, 2002
  • Remote Pulsar I and II , computer-assisted music, 2002
  • Disclosure I and II for instrumental ensemble or voice and instrumental ensemble, 2002
  • Disclosure III for large orchestra, 2002
  • Disclosure IV for two pianos, 2002
  • Numérologie secrète I and II , computer-aided music, 2002
  • Abysses latents for voice, tenor saxophone and percussion, 2002
  • Bolids and Contemplations , Computational Music, 2002
  • Music for my father , computer-aided music, 2003–05
  • Dérives chaotiques for instruments and computer-aided music, 2004
  • Nadir latent II for baritone saxophone, bass clarinet and orchestra, 2004
  • Au delà de movemur II for string orchestra, 2005
  • Etude granulaire , computer-assisted music, 2005


  • Andy Wilson: Cosmic Orgasm. The Music of Iancu Dumitrescu . Unkant Publishers, London 2013, ISBN 978-0-9568176-5-5 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Octavian Cosma, Laura Otilia Vasiliu:  Dumitrescu, Iancu. In: Grove Music Online (English; subscription required).
  2. Iancu Dumitrescu on cimro