Ibrahim Saad Al-Ibrahim

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Ibrahim bin Saad bin Ibrahim al Ibrahim ( Arabic ابراهيم بن سعد البراهيم; * 1944 ) is a Saudi diplomat in retirement .


From 1986 to 1992 he was ambassador to Tunis . From 1997 to 2006 he was ambassador to Cairo and permanent representative to the Arab League , where from 2004 he was the doyen of the Arab diplomatic corps. From 2013 to May 20, 2014 he was Ambassador to Abu Dhabi . Ambassador to Stockholm from May 20, 2014 to January 12, 2017 . In February 2015, the Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström declared in the Swedish parliament that Riyadh was violating women's rights and criticized the flogging of Raif Badawi . On March 9, 2015 she was invited to give a speech at the conference of foreign ministers of the Arab League in Cairo , which she published on Monday, March 2, 2015. On Wednesday, March 4, 2015, the Saudi Foreign Ministry addressed Margot Wallström's remarks as "insulting" and as "blatant interference in his internal affairs" and got it off the list of speakers. On March 9, 2015, the Swedish government announced that it would not extend the agreement, which expired in May 2015, for around SEK seven million annual arms sales. Whereupon on Wednesday, March 11, 2015, the Saudi government withdrew its ambassador Ibrahim bin Saad bin Ibrahim Al Ibrahim from Stockholm. The ambassador's return to Stockholm was announced on March 27, 2015.

Individual evidence

  1. Near East / South Asia Report, Foreign Broadcast Information Service, 1986, p. 14. Journal of Palestine Studies, Institute for Palestine Studies and Kuwait University., 1992, p. 177.
  2. Ibrahim bin Saad bin Ibrahim Al Ibrahim has been Saudi Arabia's ambassador to Sweden since last year. The 71-year-old diplomat has previously served as the country's ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Tunisia and Egypt. (arabnews.com)
  3. ^ British Broadcasting Corporation , March 11, 2015, Saudis recall Sweden ambassador amid diplomatic row, bbc.com
predecessor Office successor
Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Bassam Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Tunis from
1986 to 1992
Mohammed Bin Mahmoud Al Ali
Assad Abd Al-Karem Abou An-Nasr Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Cairo
1997 to 2006
Mohammed Bin Hamad Al-Khalifa
Mohammed Ibrahim Al Mazroui Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Abu Dhabi
September 21, 2013 to May 20, 2014
Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Bishr
Abdulrahman ben Mohamad al Gdaia Saudi Arabian Ambassador in Stockholm
May 20, 2014 to January 12, 2017
Abdulaziz bin Hamoud Al-Zaid