Ida Sträuli Knüsli

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Ida Sträuli Knüsli, around 1900

Ida Sträuli-Knüsli (born February 17, 1847 in Winterthur , Switzerland ; † January 20, 1918 there ) was a Swiss women's rights activist and founder and president of the Winterthur Women's Association .


Ida Sträuli-Knüsli was born as the daughter of Hans Knüsli-Unholz , notary, Cantonal Councilor and City Councilor of Winterthur. She grew up with two sisters and three brothers, her eldest brother was the future railway industrialist Hans Knüsli .

In 1869 she married Johann Werner Sträuli, son of the founder of the Sträuli soap factory and co-founder of the Winterthur gelatine factory . Ida Sträuli-Knüsli worked in her father's office and was confronted with the legal discrimination against women, whereupon she got involved in this area, among other things by founding crèches and kindergartens . In 1888 she founded the Frauenbund Winterthur, today familiaris Winterthur, and served as its president from 1899 to 1916. From 1889, the women's association operated an employment agency and a girls' home for domestic workers in Winterthur. In 1891 Sträuli-Knüsli founded a school for servants, which later became a housekeeping school.

In 2003 a street was named after her in the newly emerging Neuhegi urban area in Winterthur.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Family tree Knüsli family. (PDF; 181 kB) In: Winterthur Glossary. Retrieved August 21, 2016 .