Iduna arbor

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Iduna Laube (born December 13, 1808 in Altenburg , † August 19, 1879 in Vienna ) was a Saxon-Austrian women's rights activist.


Iduna Budeus (also: Buddeus , Budens ) came from a Saxon family of lawyers. Her first marriage was Albert Friedrich Hänel (1800–1833), with whom she lived in Leipzig , where he taught medicine at the university. With him she had the son Albert Hänel , who was born in the year of his father's death.

In 1837 Iduna Hänel married the bustling writer and dramaturge Heinrich Laube , with whom she traveled a lot through Europe; he was also a member of the Frankfurt National Assembly . From 1850 he was director of the Vienna Burgtheater . In Vienna, the couple introduced a literature salon based on the “North German model”.

Iduna Laube was involved in social life in Vienna and was interested, among other things, in women's political issues, such as Johann Ferdinand Schrank's idea of integrating women into working life. Under the chairmanship of Laube, a statute was drafted and on November 13, 1866, the Vienna Women's Employment Association was founded as Austria's first economic women's organization. Other co-initiators were Auguste von Littrow and Helene von Hornbostel . The aim of the association was better educational and employment opportunities for women. Laube was chairwoman of the association until 1868, then she followed her husband back to Leipzig for a short time before the couple settled back in Vienna.

Following the Viennese model, other associations were soon founded in Brno, Prague, Salzburg and Klagenfurt, among others. The women's trade association set up a school scholarship on her behalf.


  • Daniela Weiland: History of women emancipation in Germany and Austria: Biographies - Programs - Organizations , Düsseldorf 1983. ISBN 3-612-10025-4 .