Ignaz Bloch

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Ignaz Bloch (born August 9, 1878 in Tirschenreuth ; † March 23, 1942 in the Lodz ghetto ) was a German chemist .


Ignaz Bloch received his doctorate in 1902 at the Royal Bavarian Technical University of Munich (today's Technical University of Munich ) with Andreas Lipp. He was married to his wife, Emmy. In 1911, as Emil Fischer's assistant in Berlin, he supervised Max Bergmann's doctoral thesis on acyl (poly) sulfide .

The son Herbert was born in 1915 and the daughter Lore in 1918.

In 1930 the Jewish Bloch family moved to Dessau, Kaiserplatz 16 (today Friedensplatz 16), where Bloch was able to work as a chemist in the Aken sugar factory. His two persecuted children Herbert and Lore were able to emigrate to Palestine in 1937 and 1935 respectively. After the death of his wife Emmy in 1936, Bloch stayed mainly in Berlin. In November 1941 he was deported to the Lodz ghetto, where he died on March 23, 1942.


In Dessau at Friedensplatz 16, the former residential address, a stumbling block was erected in memory of Dr. Ignaz Bloch relocated.

Individual evidence

  1. biographical data, publications and Academic pedigree of Ignaz Bloch at academictree.org, accessed on 7 January 2018th
  2. Winfried R. Pötsch, Annelore Fischer and Wolfgang Müller with the assistance of Heinz Cassebaum : Lexicon of important chemists , VEB Bibliographisches Institut Leipzig, 1988, p. 40, ISBN 3-323-00185-0 .
  3. a b c Gedenkkultur Kiez eV Dessau: Bloch, Ignaz Dr. ( Memento of the original from October 21, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. .13. June 2013, accessed October 20, 2017. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / gedenkkultur-dessau-rosslau.de
  4. ^ Helmut Maier: Chemists in the "Third Reich": The German Chemical Society and the Association of German Chemists in the Nazi regime . John Wiley & Sons, February 17, 2015, ISBN 3527691340 , p. 582 (Table 7.26 in Google Books ).
  5. Stolpersteine ​​in Dessau-Roßlau ( Memento of the original from October 20, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . Accessed October 20, 2017. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.sachsen-anhalt-wiki.de