Ignaz von Szyszylowicz

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Ignacy Szyszyłowicz (before 1901)

Ignaz von Szyszylowicz , also Knight of, (Ignacy Szyszyłowicz) (born July 30, 1857 in Granica ( Sosnowiec ); † February 17, 1910 Lemberg ) was a Russian-Polish botanist . Its botanical author's abbreviation is “ Szyszył. "; the abbreviation “ Szysz. " in use.

Szyszylowicz was an assistant at the botanical department of the k. k. Natural History Court Museum in Vienna before he was appointed full professor of botany and director of the botanical garden at the Agricultural Academy in Dublany near Lemberg in 1891 . He was married to Anna Szyszyłowiczowa (1870-1959).

He wrote Part III for the work The Natural Plant Families (Leipzig, since 1887) edited by the two botanists Adolf Engler and Carl Prantl . 6 "Caryocaraceae, Marcgraviaceae, Theaceae, Strasburgeriaceae" (1893).


Individual evidence

  1. Botanisches Centralblatt. Referring body for the whole area of ​​botany at home and abroad ... Thirteenth year 1892. Second quarter. Volume L. and supplement, 1892, p. 317.
  2. ^ Pjotr ​​Köhler: Grób Ignacego Szyszyłowicza (1857-1910) na Cmentarzu Rakowickim w Krakowie. Wiadomości Botaniczne 57 (3/4): 135-136.

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