Ilse Kollwitz

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Ilse Kollwitz , b. Weisser (born October 19, 1909 in Rostock ; † October 20, 1981 in Rostock) was a local politician in Mecklenburg and from 1947 to 1952 a member of the Mecklenburg state parliament .

Ilse Kollwitz was the daughter of a printer and an SPD member. After attending a secondary school for girls in Rostock, she learned the trade of a chemist and worked in this trade until 1944. After 1945 she was involved in the women's committee in Rostock and in 1947 in the state women's committee.

After attending the SED state party school in 1950, she worked as a district administrator in the Rügen district and headed the district from 1952 to 1953. From 1953 she held various department head positions in the Rostock district council . From 1962 to 1970 she headed the District Committee of People's Solidarity in Rostock. In 1947 Ilse Kollwitz was one of the founders of the Democratic Women's Federation of Germany (DFD).


  • Ilse Kollwitz estate, Greifswald State Archives, V / 6/4