Immanuel Kölle

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Gottlieb Immanuel Kölle (born December 26, 1875 Stetten im Remstal , † April 13, 1935 in Bremen ) was a German hydraulic engineer and electricity construction director.


Kölle grew up in Stetten in the Remstal in Württemberg and in Zurich . He studied engineering at the Zurich Polytechnic and graduated with a degree in engineering. He then spent two years building the Simplon Tunnel in Switzerland.

In 1900 he came to Bremen and worked in the hydraulic engineering department at the building deputation. He evaluated the observations of the groundwater levels in Bremen on the Weser . In 1901 he worked on the plans for the old Weser weir as a hydroelectric power station and the lock system , which became necessary after the Weser correction . In 1908 he therefore studied corresponding buildings in the USA and learned about the construction of retractable sector weirs . The old Weserwehr was built in Bremen-Hastedt from 1906 to 1911. Kölle and the Dane Christoffer Nyholm initially managed the project together until Nyholm left in 1909. In 1909, Kölle became a department head with sole project management. Hydraulic engineer Ludwig Plate was an assistant at Kölle from 1908/09 and further developed the principle of retractable gates. A little later, an independent defense construction department was even set up, which was under the direction of Otto Franzius until 1913 . When he received a call as professor for hydraulic engineering at the TH Hannover, Kölle followed him in office as state building officer. In 1917, the military construction department and the hydraulic engineering department were merged and Kölle was in charge of the joint department that carried out further corrections to the Weser - until 1921 also that of the Lower Weser in the Bremen area.

In 1933 he was appointed director of electricity construction. He was now in charge of the Bremen Waterways Directorate as an agency of the Reich. Plate, on the other hand, took over the Bremen electricity and port construction department as senior construction director in 1933.


  • The Immanuel Kölle Street in Bremen- Obervieland was named after him 1968th


  • Monika Porsch: Bremer Straßenlexikon , complete edition. Schünemann, Bremen 2003, ISBN 3-7961-1850-X .