In pojlisze welder

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Defects: full program . Everything is missing there. Nehhccosnuläammnniileurruinp 13:12, 29 Mar 2019 (CEST)

Original title In pojlisze welder
W lasach polskich
Country of production Poland
original language Yiddish
Publishing year 1929
Director Jonas Turkow
script Henryk Bojm
production Leo Forbert , Forbert Film
camera Ferdynand Vlassach
  • Diana Blumenfeld - Rachel
  • Silven Rich - Mordche
  • Mojżesz Lipman - Abram
  • Helena Gotlib - Brajnia
  • Abram Ajzenberg - father of Rachel
  • Klara Segałowicz - Duszka
  • Luba Fischer-Ditris - Ryfkele
  • Tadeusz Wesołowski
  • Samuel Landau - Joseph Strahl
  • Róża Soszana - Felicia, wife of Joseph Strahl
  • Aleksander Maniecki - Martin (Marcin)
  • Dawid Lederman
  • Anna Rapel
  • Chaim Sandler - veteran
  • Jerzy Leszczyński - Berek Joselewicz
  • Jakub Kurlender - Mesjasz
  • Szlomo Prisament - Kabbalistic Rabbi Icie
  • Ajzyk Rotman - Rabbi Duwidł
  • Dina Szajewicz - wife of Rabbi Dowid
  • BM Sztejn - Zaddik von Kotzk
  • J. Vermont - Kahane
  • I. Grabowska - Wanda
  • A. Bożeński - Moische (Mojżesz)
  • R. Kamiński - Abraham
  • H. Openheimówna - Rachela
  • Liza Barska-Fiszer
  • Herman Fiszer
  • Zisze Kac
  • Zeew Lewi
  • Natalia Lipman
  • Izak Nożyk
Jonas Turkow, director, Henryk Bojm, screenwriter and Josef Opatoschu, novelist (from left to right)

In pojlisze welder (Yiddish אין פוילישע וועלדער, Polish W lasach polskich , English in the poylishe Velder ) was a jiddischsprachiger Polish film from 1929, based on the novel in the Polish forests ( in pojlisze welder , 1921) by Josef Opatoschu .

The story is about Jewish life in the Polish town of Kotzk in the middle of the 19th century with forest Jews, Polish noblemen , strange Hasidim and the uprising of 1863 .

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